Part 8

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Camilo's POV:

I wanted to ease the tension in the room so I said,
"What's red and looks a hot mess!"
Mirabel looked at me with a face of 'don't say it'
"Y/n...!" I don't know! I immediately had regret what I had said when y/n stormed out.
"Camilo! Really?!" Mirabel said chasing after y/n.
Y/n's POV:

I was so mad. I ran out of there. I was trying not to cry like a child. I mean really who SAYS that?! Mirabel was chasing after me, trying to get me to stop.
"Y/n! Wait, stop" Mirabel finally got me to turn around when I was downstairs.
"Hey, are you okay? I'm so sorry. Camilo doesn't know how to be sensitive" She put a hand on my shoulder.
"Who would say that?!" I say trying not to scream.
"Camilo apparently.." she said trying to be funny but obviously not working.
"C'mon. I'll go kick Camilo out and we can go back. Unless you wanna go on a walk. Or if you just want to cool off?" She says giving a small smile.
"Let's go on a walk.." I look at the floor.
We walk out of the casita on our way down the block.

Camilo's POV:

I sat there sort of hearing Mirabel. I peer out of Mirabel's room trying not to have them see me. I hear y/n,
"Who would say that?!"
I feel even worse. After a couple seconds they walk out. I don't know what I should do. Go back to my room? Catch up to them and apologize? Stay? I walk around Mirabel's room a little. Then something catches my eye. A little paper on the floor. There were words on it. I read,
If only he noticed.
If only who noticed? I realized it was written in y/n's hand writing. I keep looking at the paper in confusion.
I look up to see my mother. She was right outside the door.
"What are you doing? You're supposed to be in bed!"
She puts her arm around me, leading me to my room.
"I feel better, ma"
"Okay, well then what we're you doing alone in Mirabel's room?"
I just shrugged. I didn't want to talk about what just happened with my mother.

Y/n's POV:

We walk around. And that's when I see her... BELLA.
"MIRA! LOOK" I yank Mirabel where we can't be seen but we can still see Bella.
Obviously she doesn't know what Bella looks like. I have a plan.
"C'mon" I say yanking Mirabel by the arm.
I walk straight up to her. Her gaze narrowed on me. She looks confused. But angry.
"Well, I wasn't expecting this." She says in a snobby tone.
"Hey, Bella..!" I say with a fake smile.
I can tell she wants to get me right then and there. But she won't because we're literally in front of everyone.
"I know last time we spoke it wasn't so pleasant... but I was wondering if you'd like to come to the casita for dinner? Meet Camilo?"
I could tell Mirabel was about to strangle me.
"And why? So you can get me?!" She rolls her eyes.
"Well, how long are you in town for?" I continue my fake smile.
"Two days left.."
"Perfect! Tonight! Dinner?! Don't be late!" I walk away as fast as possible. She's not dumb, but I hope she falls for it. Mirabel follows close.
"What were you thinking?!"
"Don't worry.. I know what I'm doing"

We get back to the casita. We gather the family, unfortunately that includes Camilo too. I explain what I had said to Bella and what we needed to do. So, as it was getting near dinner time, Julieta prepared dinner. Everyone got into place. Everyone sat down at the dinner table. Then, there was a knock at the door...
I got up from my seat. I opened the door and there outside was Bella...
I let her in and she sat down at the only open seat. Right next to Camilo. I noticed she was wearing her 'special' dress. I could tell Camilo was uncomfortable. We all got our food. Only I noticed Bella wasn't eating. I bet she thinks we poisoned her food, although that would have been smart, but that's too obvious. She kept looking at Camilo, and Camilo noticed. After eating I noticed Bella was getting ready to leave.
"Hey Camilo, why don't you show Bella to your room?" I know we didn't put that into the plan, but I thought Bella would have started a war by now. Camilo gave a look and said "alright"
Pepa started to make the breeze go. Félix calmed her. She was probably freaking out about the fact that a psychopath like Bella is going into a room alone with her son.
"Dolores, make sure you don't hear anything bad, okay?" I whisper to her.
"Okay.." I could tell she was uneasy too.

Dolores' POV:

I hear them talking. I can hear Bella trying to flirt but by the tone of my brothers voice obviously isn't working.

Camilo's POV:

I don't think I've ever been so uncomfortable in my entire life. She keeps trying to get close to me, but I scooch back. It feels very weird being in the same room with the same person who punched me in the face.

Y/n's POV:

We just wait. Everyone keeps asking Dolores stuff like,
"Anything?" Or "is Camilo okay?"
We all decide I should check up on them.
So I go upstairs. I knock on the door and I open it. Nothing seems to be happening.
"You two hitting it off well?" I ask.
"Yeah!" Bella says confidently.
"I guess..." Camilo rolls his eyes.
I am now wondering when I should hold Bella hostage... I mean having her stay a little while longer. I go downstairs and I get the family. They wait outside the door but not in the doorway, so they cannot be seen. I walk in again. I can tell Bella is getting suspicious.
"NOW!" I scream as the family barges in and engulfs Bella in a trap. Camilo manages to scurry away in time. The family steps away. I see Bella in a cage made up of vines and thorns.
Isabela then shows me a pocket knife.
"She had this on her." Isa says.
"What were you planning to do with this?" I say as I hold the pocket knife.
"It was just incase... but I wasn't expecting this." Bella says.
"You're going back to dads, okay? And NEVER coming back!" I say.

*time jump*
Bella was forced out of town by the angry people that lived in Encanto, never to return again.

*NOT the end of the story*

Camilo Madrigal x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now