Part 61

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Carlos' POV:

Later that day I manage to slip away from Camilo and y/n. I make my way to Mel's house. Luckily his house isn't really by other houses. It's kind of secluded, but still apart of the neighborhood, so people can't see me. I look up and I see an open window. I hear some faint shouting. Then I hear a door open and then the shouting was very clear to hear. It sounded like Mel, and a female voice.
"Where were you?!"
"Nowhere! I was here all night!" I hear Mel shout.
"No you weren't because I heard the door open! You know how serious this is! You can die!"
"Only if I'm out for a long time! Which I wasn't!"
"You are a terrible liar! Look at your back! It's all burned- wait.. if you had a shirt on, the sun couldn't possibly reach your back... WHAT IN THE HELL WERE YOU DOING WITH YOUR SHIRT OFF?!" I'm starting to think that's Mel's mother.
"Mel! Tell me right now!"
"I-I went into the water fountain!"
"You are lying to me! Tell me.. NOW!" This is getting bad.
I have to do something.. I pick a pebble up off of the ground. I throw it through his window. Everything went quiet. I was about to hide but I was too late. I look up and I see a woman peering down at me. I then seen Mel peering down at me. Mel's mother moved away from the window. I heard foot steps then the front door opened.
"You know my son, don't you?!"
I nod my head. I agreed to come inside. I made it to Mel's room with his mother. I seen Mel sitting on the ground, against the wall. He had his hands on his head.
"Tell me..?"
"Carlos.." I say.
"Tell me, Carlos! How do you know my son?!"
"I..I.." I look over to Mel.
He looks between me and his mother.
"Fine! Do you know why my son has burns on his back?!" This lady is psycho..
I just stare at the ground.
"Answer me!"
I didn't.
"Mel?! How do you know this boy?!"
"We're just friends!" Mel says.
That woman is smart..
"What were you doing with your shirt off? It was night! It must've been cold.. You wouldn't have wanted your shirt off if it was cold-" She realized what might've happened.
She gave her son a death stare.
"STAND UP!" she yelled.
Mel stood up. He walks towards his mother. She yanks him by the ear.
"What the hell were you doing last night." She says through gritted teeth.
Mel stayed quiet. Mel's mother let go of his ear. She ran her fingers through her hair.
"Oh god. You're.. you... you really did that?! WAIT! YOU HAVE HICKEYS ON YOUR NECK!"
"..N-Not... t-that.."
"Tell me!"
"We just kissed!"
"With shirts off?!"
"W-Well... h-he's... not a girl..."
"HE?! ...IS IT THIS BOY?!" She pointed at me.
Mel looked down.
"How dare you. How dare you do that to my son! He is an innocent boy, and you took advantage!"
"What?!" I yell.
"No! Mom! He didn't make me do anything! And we only kissed!"
"Your son.. your son is-"
"Really sorry!" Mel cuts me off, "I am really sorry.."
"I can't believe this." His mother scoffs.
"Your son is bisexual!" I say.
Mel looks at me as though he might kill me.
"B-Bisexual? What's that?"
"It means he like two genders. Which are-"
"Female and female!" Mel says.
"And he like guys and girls. Right, Mel?" I look over to him.
"Impossible! My son can't like boys as well. He's.. normal!"
"Being bisexual doesn't mean your not 'normal'"
"..Get out of my house." I was forced out of the house.
I heard Mel screaming. I ran to a near by tree and I climbed it. I got a perfect view of his room. I saw Mel and his mother. His mother was hitting him with a belt. Mel was on his bed, curled up in a ball. He was protecting his head. I knew it wouldn't be any good to try and stop his mother. All I could do was watch. I feel so bad.. I heard Mel screaming.
"Mama, please!"

It's night. I snuck out. I climbed that same tree. I saw through his window. He was laying in bed. His lamp was on. He just stared at his ceiling. I ran over to his house. I managed to find a way to climb onto his windowsill. I knocked on the window. He almost fell off of his bed because I startled him so badly. He walked over and opened the window.
"What are you doing here?"
"Sneak out with me!"
"I don't know if your on something right now, but Incase you have forgotten, my mother hates me right now, and she hates you too."
"I get that but... please?"
"I want to be with you. I miss you."
"You we're with me last night, and today.."
"But today.. that wasn't you. You hid who you really are.."
"...fine. Jeez... If my mom catches me.. she'll actually murder me.."
"Yay! Okay, let's go!"
Mel rolled his eyes. He climbed out of his window. We both climbed down. We made it to the center of town. There was a guitar player sitting on the bench we usually sit at. Weird. I wonder why this guitar player is out here in the middle of the night. I had an idea..
"Excuse me, sir?"
"Do you mind playing a song?"
"Sure, which one?"
I whispered in his ear. He nods his head and starts to play the song. I take Mel's hands. I spin him under my arm.
"Cariño?" Mel questions.
"Sí, mi amor?"
"What are we doing?"
"I'll show you!"
I start to spin him around. We start to dance, and dance. The dance was very energetic. We danced under the stars and we matched the rhythm of the music. I spun him really fast around and into a dip (Incase you don't know what a dip is, this is it:

 I spun him really fast around and into a dip (Incase you don't know what a dip is, this is it:

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I stare into his beautiful eyes. I lean in and I kiss his lips.
"Aw, you look so cute when you blush!" I say.
"Shut up!" He says sarcastically.
I bring him up. We hold hands as we are just staring into each other's eyes. I lean in for another kiss. He puts his hand on my cheek. I pull away. He looks into my eyes and then down at my lips. He puts his hands up my shirt. I start to feel butterflies in my stomach.
"Do I make you nervous, papí..?"
That sentence made my palms sweat. That sentence made me even more nervous.. or excited I should say.
"I guess you can say that, cariño."
Mel smiled. I noticed the guitar guy was just staring at us. We start to walk back to his place. As we are walking he teases me. It's actually really cute to try and see him be 'mean' to me.
"Are you scared of the dark? Is that why you're so close to me?"
We are walking by a wall and without warning I push Mel against the wall. I lean in close.
"You're too cute when you act like that.."
"Is that so?"
I smile and let him go. We make it to his house.
"Do you think.. I can stay the rest of the night?" I ask.
".. I'm not sure. My mom might catch us.."
"I know. But I'll be careful!"
"Carlos.. You're really asking for my mom to kill me, aren't you?"
"No.. I just want to hang out with you!"
We made it to his room. I laid down in bed next to him.

Camilo's POV:

I wake up. Carlos isn't in the bed. The sun is rising.. I shake y/n to wake her up.
"What's wrong, Milo?" She could tell I was concerned.
"Carlos isn't here.."
"I bet he's hanging out with his boyfriend.. Everything will be okay.."
"I hope."
"Here. What can I do to get things off of your mind?"
"A beer.. I really need a beer.."
"No.. I'm not going to get you a beer."
"Y/n. I just need one."
"But you know what one will turn into."
"I'm just so tired of looking after Carlos as if he's a child. I just need one.. maybe two.."
"Maybe you don't need to look after Carlos.."
"If I don't he'll end up killing himself!"
"Fine.. I'll go get you a beer." Y/n sighed.
She came back to the room with a beer in her hand. She handed it to me.
"Where'd you actually get one?" I ask.
"Fridge. My mom has one every once in a while." She handed me a bottle opener.
I opened the bottle. I took a sip. It felt good to taste the beer again. In under five minutes I drank the whole bottle.
"Another?" I ask.
Y/n rolled her eyes. She came back and handed me another. I drank that one pretty fast too. Y/n kept handing me bottles. I drank and drank.. it felt good to forget about Carlos and his problems...

Carlos' POV:

I wake up to Mel shaking me. I felt all the tears on my face.
"Are you okay?! You were crying and screaming!"
"I-I'm fine.."
"No. Tell me what happened.."
"Bad dream.."
"Tell me.."
"I keep having dreams that I'm being.. raped.."
"Carlos.. I am so sorry. Come here." He wrapped me in his arms.
He plays with my hair.
"Estoy tan perdido.." I say.
"Want to forget it?" He suggests.
"You know.."
I pull the cocaine out from my pocket. I raise an eyebrow, questioning.
"Sí." He confirms.
I give him some, I give myself some. In no time we both got high. Awesome timing because Mel's mother walks in..
"¡¿QUÉ DEMONIOS ESTÁ HACIENDO AQUÍ?!" His mother screams.
"¡Mamá, se quedó a pasar la noche!" Mel says.
Mel definitely sounded high.
"Are you high?!" His mother screams.
"Sí..!" Mel laughs.
"What have you done to my son?!"
"I don't know." I say.
His mother storms out.
"Hey.. Guess what I have..!" Mel says.
From under his bed he pulls out a ton of beer bottles.
"No way!" I say.
"Sí! Take one!" I take one.
Now we just sit on his bed, drinking and doing cocaine.
"You know? When I first met you, you wouldn't have ever wanted to do this." I say.
"Yeah. You changed me. I'm kinda happy you did, though."
"Really? Why's that?" I ask.
"I mean, first off my mother wouldn't have ever just walked out and not done something.. I mean.. that deserves a reward!"
I laugh and go to cuddle him. He kisses me.... Let's just say by the end of that (we only made out..) we both had hickeys all over. And what was funny was Mel's mother kept walking in on us.

Word count, 1891!

Camilo Madrigal x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now