Part 83. Danny?!

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Camilo's POV:

We walk outside, not knowing where or how to start investigating. Y/n holds my hand.
"Hey, Camilo? What if Danny never... Well, what if Carlos didn't kill Danny? What if you weren't imagining her?" Y/n looks to me with worry in her eyes.
"..I highly doubt it. Danny didn't even have a pulse.. Want to go see if her body still lays in the restaurant?"
It took a couple minutes but we got to the restaurant. As it was last time, it was dark and broken down considerably. Y/n closes her eyes as I open the door. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see what might've been inside. But, once I look to the ground where Danny's corpse should've been laying.. I didn't see a body. There was still her dried blood everywhere though. Dried blood was splattered all on the walls and floors.
Y/n opens her eyes. She gasps and takes a few steps back, covering her mouth with both hands.
"Where's her body?!"
"I don't think the cops took her because they would've cleaned the rest of the place up as well.. y/n, I think you're right. Maybe she hadn't died after all.." I didn't want y/n to see anymore.
"Holy, shit. No, no, no! This is bad, Camilo!"
I bring y/n out of the restaurant.
"Let's go back! I think we've seen enough!" I take hold of y/n's hand.
We both are about to turn around but we hear a loud, ear ringing bang from behind us.

Y/n's POV:

Camilo collapses hard onto the floor.
Blood starts to pour from his head, creating a pool of blood. I turn my head and I see Danny holding a gun.
"GET AWAY FROM US!" I try to drag myself and Camilo away from her, "HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!"
"It is quite funny actually. I was resurrected."
I saw all of the scars all over her body from the stab wounds.
"How did you get resurrected? That's impossible!"
"You do know who Avery is, right? Well, turns out.. he's got magic.. not like a gift like all of the Madrigals. He's got magic, so powerful, he can resurrect the dead! So, he seen my corpse and decided to help me out! I placed a curse upon him, so now he's with me. He can't control the cruel actions he commits. It's wonderful isn't it!"
"Avery has- what?! So, he's powerful?!"
"Yes! He's got great power, capable of killing anyone and everyone within sight!"
Within sight? I thought.
"And the gun? Where did you get that?"
"MEL?! YOU MEAN-" she cut me off and came close.
"Indeed, you've got that right. I have Carlos and Mel in my possession. As well as Pepa and Julieta. And now you two, which means you won't be able to cure Camilo from that gun shot wound!" She laughed horrifically.
"You're going to want to refrain from calling me that."
She lifted the gun to my head.
"Why'd you hurt Camilo?! I thought you loved him?!"
"I know what I'm doing! I precisely aimed in an area where he has the most chance to still survive! He'll just be out cold for a long while!"
All at once she hits me on the side of my head with the heavy handle of the gun, knocking me out.

Writers note: I'm sorry for the short chapter! I do hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it! I'm happy I've finally gotten some new action into the story! Anyways, thank youu! I hope you have a good night/day!

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