Would you guys?

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Would you guys want to maybe get to know me? If not it's okay! I really don't care either way but, I just wanted to know because you've been reading this story for a while. And through all the drama that happens in this story I feel like it's just right you guys finally get to know the author (me). I won't be telling you guys my personal stuff just maybe my age, favorite hobbies, favorite color, favorite songs, etc. but, if that seems boring and you'd rather not, just let me know so I would have a good understanding of what my readers want. Anyways, thank you guys for everything! Everyday I go onto my phone waiting for all of the comments and to see if people liked that chapter, the funny comments (I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a comment), the sweet comments that fill my heart and let me have motivation to go to school, or the comments that help me steer my story to the right path! And thank you to everyone who reads my story's as well! I couldn't believe how many people actually read this! And to the people who vote! You all are so amazing, kind, and generous! Truly, all of you are stars for making my day better! Anyways, goodbye! Have a great day/night!

Camilo Madrigal x y/nМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя