Part 82. Bones is back!

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Carlos' POV:

I wake up. Mel's hand is under my hoodie, as well as the shirt under my hoodie. Mel is laying on top of me as well. I look over to y/n and Camilo. They're both asleep.
"Hey, you awake?" I hear Mel mumble.
"Mhm.. Did I wake you?" I whisper.
"No.." Mel snuggles deeper into my chest.
Mel's hand traces all over my torso. He kisses my lips and then moves down to my neck.
"Corazón, it's too early for this.."
"Oh, really? And when did you ever care about the timing?"
"Well, and it's not just that, we're in front of y/n and Camilo."
"They're asleep! What's up with you? Why don't you wanna do this?" Mel looks sad.
"It's not that I don't want to."
Mel got up. He walks to the door.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"Just somewhere else.."
He left the room. I wanted to go after him, but I felt he would have just gotten mad so I let him go. Maybe I shouldn't have..?
Camilo and y/n woke up. We all are eating breakfast. Mel hasn't returned. How can he be that mad? What did I do? I guess Camilo and y/n noticed.
"Where's Mel?" Y/n asks.
"I don't know.. I'm worried.. it's daylight.. I can't even eat."
"We should go looking for him, then." Camilo shoves food into his mouth.
After we all were done eating, we went to go look for Mel. We first went to the fountain.
"W-Who is that?" We all walk over to the figure leaning against the fountain.
It was Mel. He seems to be knocked out. Blood was dripping from his nose, mouth and a little from his eyes.
"Mel?!" I try to shake him awake, "we've got to get him out of the sun!"
We move him under a tree for shade. He lays flat on his back. Mel had started to move his head.
"Mel?! What happened?!"
His eyes slowly open and adjust to the light. His eyes suddenly widen and he sits up very fast, violently coughing up blood.
"Let's get him back to the Casita!" Camilo says.
We get him to the Casita and right away we give him food.
"What happened?!"
"I got jumped.."
"Why?! Who did this?!"
"Just some people around our age.."
I'm about to walk out when Mel stops me.
"Carlos! Don't go trying to look for them!"
"Why not? They hurt you!"
"It's nothing!"
"I'm going."
I walk out. I walk around the town trying to spot some people that have blood on their hands. A group of people walk up to me.
"Aye, look it's another one!" One of them says.
"Should we do the same to him as we did the last?"
"So, I'm guessing you're the punks who jumped my friend?" I say.
"Which one?" They all laugh.
"You know who the fuck I'm talking about, dammit!"
"Okay, what are you going to do?"
"I'll beat all of your ignorant asses!"
"Oh, really? Is that so?"
On the ground in front of me, I see a great, large shadow. I look to my side and there stood Bones.
"Bones?!" I couldn't believe he was right there!
"Hey, KK!"
"KK? What kind of name is that?" A couple boys laughed but the rest of them were scared shitless.
"You wouldn't want to know what it stands for." Bones came close to the group of boys.
They all back away but Bones came closer and closer.. This is going to be fun!
"Who's up first? Or should I take 'em all at once?"
That's when I had just noticed one of the guys.. It was Avery. My face went red. I look to the ground. Avery stood there, his face pink. I hear screaming and I look up. I see Bones beating three boys up all at once. The rest of them look terrified. I look back over to Bones and he stands up, from the three, now unconscious people. I see Bones is making his way towards Avery.
"Wait! Bones, don't hurt him!"
"Why the hell not?"
"I need to talk to him first!"
Bones nods his head and makes his way to other people. I pull Avery by the wrist, away from all of the commotion.
"Did you hurt Mel?!"
"I-I.. M-Maybe..."
"He's- uh.. This sounds stupid, but he has your love. I want it."
I wanted to beat that bastard right then and there, but something took an unexpected turn. Avery pulls my face in and kisses my lips. I pull away.
"Are you serious?!" I scream.
"Uh huh!" He pulls me in another time.
"No, no, no! Mel is actually going to kill me!"
"Come on! You don't really want to be with Mel! He's so controlling!"
I back away. Avery comes closer. I try to back up more but my back hits a wall. Avery kisses me.
"Please, stop!"
Avery didn't listen. I grab the collar of his shirt. I pull and flip him around. His back hit the wall. I look into his eyes with anger. He gives a smile. He walks forward, making me walk backwards. I trip and fall to the ground. Avery fell on top of me. He looks me into my eyes. He puts his hands under my shirt. I notice his eyes are red.
"Bones!" I call.
Avery chuckles.
Avery brings my shirt up. I try to pull my shirt back down. Avery holds my shirt up as he starts to leave behind hickeys.
"Bones! Help me!"
I then seen Bones running towards us. He picks Avery up. Bones pins him against the wall and starts to make his face bleed. I stand up, catching my breath. Avery fell to ground, unconscious. Bones runs over to me. He brings me into a hug.
"Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?!"
"I'm fine now. Thank you, Bones!"
"C'mon kid, let's get you home."
Bones took me home. Camilo, y/n and Mel were still in Camilo's room. I walk in with Bones.
"Oh hey, Bones! Nice to see you again!" Camilo shakes his hand.
"Hey, Bones? How are you out of jail right now? Where are all of the others?" I ask.
"It doesn't really matter.."
Mel rushes to me.
"Are you okay? What happened?"
"I'm fine. Nothing happened. I just think Bones gave a couple concussions."
"Yeah! It was epic!" I had an idea.
I take hold of Mel's wrist. I bring him up to my room. I close the door behind us, and I lock it.
"What are we doing?" Mel asks as he sits on my bed.
I walk over to him. I place one hand on his neck. I kiss him lightly. We both pull away. Mel has a bright smile on his face. He pulls me down on top of him.
"Excited, are we?" I tease.
I kiss down his neck. I make my way to his shirt, but then someone opens the door. We both froze.
"I thought I locked it!" I scream.
"Nah, your lock doesn't work, remember?" Camilo walks in with y/n.
Y/n looks to the floor, not wanting to see what was happening.
"Why are you in here? Get out!" I get off of Mel.
"You two are so cute!" Camilo looks at us both.
"Excuse me, can't you see we're in the middle of something?"
"Yeah, but it's funny annoying you!"
"Can't you see y/n is uncomfortable?" I was trying to get them to leave.
"Fine, fine! We'll leave you two to make out!" Camilo and y/n left.

Camilo's POV:

Me and y/n make our way to my bedroom.
Y/n and I lay in each other's arms.
"Hey, Camilo? Isn't it getting a little boring always hanging out inside?"
"Yeah, it is really boring.. Want to do something?"
"Maybe.. investigate who might've tampered with the alcohol?" Y/n says with a glint in her eyes.

Word count, 1,374!

Writers note: Also, because I kindaaaa forgot.. let's just pretend that Camilo and Carlos' b-days already passed:) y/n, Camilo, and Carlos are all 18! That doesn't mean anything 🌶 will happen!

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