[26]-Don't cry for me

Start from the beginning

Did she not want to be my friend?

"Sophia?" I said and she looked at me.

"Yes Adarsh sir," she said looking at me.

"I...is there.." I was about to ask her about her indifference towards me when the intercom rang.

"Yes," I asked on the phone as soon as I received it.

"Sir, the Malhotras have arrived," Riddhi said on the call.

"We'll be there in five minutes, please get them seated in the conference room and arrange for refreshments," I said.

"Of course sir," she said and disconnected the call.

"Sir, you were saying something," I heard Sophia ask me and I looked at her.

This was not the right time to discuss about these things.

"We will talk later, okay? The Malhotras are already here," I said and she nodded.

As soon as I said that she smiled and proceeded to the exit.

As usual I opened the door for her and she smiled at me.

Once in the conference room, I saw that douche again and I rolled my eyes at him while he smirked looking at me.

Giving him a deadly glare, I sat on the head chair while Mr. Malhotra and Sophia sat on either side of me and Shreyas was seated on the farthest corner, which I am thankful for.

"So Adarsh, have you decided which company will you be giving contract to for the raw material?" Mr. Malhotra asked.

Just when I was about to answer, the door to the cabin opened and in walked her.

Suprana Saxena, the same candidate who tried to get in my pants on the first day of the interview, Mr. Malhotra's niece.

"Sorry uncle, I am late," she said and looked at me with her flirtatious smile which I ignored.

"Oh Adarsh," she said excited and came to me.

"Long time no see," she said and I stood up from my chair.

She then hugged me and my eyes automatically went to Sophia who had her eyes downcast all the time.

I reluctantly kept my hands on her back while looking at Sophia.

As soon as she looked at me and our eyes met, she looked away and I broke the hug.

"Yes Suparna it has been a long time we met, especially after the disaster of the interview you gave for the post of my assistant," I said and looked at Mr. Malhotra to see him looking everywhere but me.

"Oh come on Adarsh, it was just a stupid interview," she said rolling her eyes.

I was about to retort when Mr. Malhotra said ," Suparna, we have an important meeting aligned. You can have your chit chat later."

"Oh, I am sorry for interrupting" she said with sarcasm and sat on the chair beside Shreyas.

As soon as she settled, I looked at Sophia to see her already looking at me with an emotionless face.

That is not how she used to be with me.

Looking in front she then said, "Mr. Malhotra, we have decided to take the contract with the Guptas."

Shen then went on to explain about it and Mr. Malhotra seemed convinced by the end of the meeting.

"I am highly impressed by your analytical skills, Sophia. I think my niece should be trained under you," he said chuckling while I looked at Suparna to see her already throwing daggers at Sophia while she seemed unaffected.

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