After school, Cory and Zoey were decided to go to Chubbie's for a quick snack. The two walked down the stairs to see that Shawn was sitting in a booth with three other girls.

"Should I be concerned?" Zoey wondered.

"I wouldn't think so. Shawn would never do anything to hurt you." Cory assured her as they approached the booth.

"Hey, Shawnie." Zoey greeted hesitantly.

Shawn jumped up and quickly wrapped his arms around Zoey in a hug. Surprised by pleased, she hugged him back. To her confusion, though, he moved next to Cory.

"Hey, hey!" Cory exclaimed, pushing Shawn away. "What the heck are you doing?"

"Just saying hello." Shawn answered.

"Well, hello, and let's never say hello like that again." Cory insisted. He turned to the three girls in the booth. "Hey, three girls."

"Are you centered, Zoey, Cory?" Shawn asked.

Zoey furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"Obviously not like you." Cory replied, glancing at the three girls.

"Oh, they're from The Center." Shawn explained. "I like The Center."

Zoey gave her boyfriend a doubtful look, suddenly not enjoying their interaction as much. There was something off about Shawn that she couldn't put her finger on.

"Uh, excuse us, three girls." Cory said before he pulled Shawn off to the side, Zoey following along. "Um, listen, Shawn.... what exactly is this Center of which you speak?"

"It's not a cult." Shawn said defensively.

"That's what a person in a cult would say." Zoey pointed out with a wary expression.

"Don't judge us, guys." Shawn told them.

"Shawn, you're talking crazy." Cory said. "I mean, you were there for what? An hour?"

"The length of a journey has nothing to do with its ultimate value, Shawn." He replied, his words seeming to have obvious practice to them.

"That's nice." Cory complimented as he and Zoey exchange apprehensive looks.

Shawn sighed. "Guys..."

"Shawn, listen." Zoey began, grabbing his hand. "Throughout our entire friendship and relationship, we've talked about everything, right? I mean, we've talked about movies, we've talked about music, but we've never talked about what you believe in."

"I believe that I've finally found a place where people let me be who I am. Y'know, without trying to change me or, uh, need to know what my goals are in life." Shawn simply explained, getting frustrated. "I mean, why do I need that?"

"Shawn, what do you believe in?" Cory asked.

"What do you believe in, Cory?" Shawn snapped back. "Do you believe in a mother and father? A comfortable house in a comfortable street because that's what you have? Well, I don't have that so I've found something with these people."

"But who are these people, Shawn?" Zoey questioned, motioning to the booth filled with girls.

"Stop trying to take away what I have. I don't do that to you!" Shawn said defensively.

"We really have to be going." A brunette girl announced.

Zoey clenched her jaw as she watched Shawn and the three other girls walked away.

"Y'know, I have a lot of questions about this place!" Cory called out after him.

Shawn stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Then you should check it out sometime."

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now