Chapter 61: I Do

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"No," he mumbled, kissing his neck. The big ball of muscles was on top of him that morning, trying to find an excuse to keep him there.

"We need to get ready," Sebastian laughed at the silliness of his love. Twas early morning, and Rhett absolutely hated getting up early. That was why Gulliver typically handled the duties in the morning, while Rhett focused on the evening.

There was just something about the way they reunited the pack and found peace for the whole forest that seemed to make the man clingier than before. Sebastian wasn't complaining one bit, though. It had been months since the infamous moment that they defeated the evil wizard of the forest. And after all that time, Rhett still called for him the second that he was away too long. As much as Sebastian's family worried that it wasn't healthy, Sebastian didn't wish it to end. He liked being in those arms all the time, other than when he was practicing, of course, or when Rhett was patrolling with his guards. And since both of them were happy this way, he figured that it didn't matter what anyone else thought.

Of course, his family could merely be upset at the fact that they had gone against another tradition when they told them that they weren't going to sleep in separate rooms the night before. Rhett downright refused, and Sebastian didn't think either of them would be able to get any kind of sleep if they did such a thing. It just wasn't the way that they worked.

"They can wait a little bit longer," Rhett continued to kiss up and down his neck, his body slowly coming to life on top of him. "This is supposed to be our day, not theirs."

"Yes," Sebastian rubbed the man's back, attempting to coax him up. "But we can't spend it all in here, you know."

"We can try," Rhett smiled into him, rubbing his sides. Sebastian could never get over how those hands felt, no matter how long they were together. He would forever love being in that hold of his. It always felt like he belonged in them. No matter how many days, weeks, or months passed.

Sebastian couldn't help but laugh at how grumpy his partner was right then. It reminded him of some of the first days he woke up with him entangled into him. Rhett never wanted to leave the bed as soon as he curled up with him, even before they truly started to fall for each other. There was no better feeling than the one when Sebastian would help Rhett relax after a stressful day, those muscles melting into him as they both cuddled up under the covers. That thought would always make him smile.

A knock on the door interrupted his journey through his memories. It didn't, however, damper his spirits. The groan from the grumpy man entrapping him only made him laugh some more.

"Go away," Rhett responded to the knock. It seemed to just have the opposite effect, unfortunately for them. Sebastian was surprised when the wooden door creaked open and in came a small friend of theirs.

"Uncle Rhett!" the boy ran and climbed into their bed. "Sebastian!"

"Good morning, Everett," Sebastian put an arm around the boy. He was still small enough for him to hold him and Rhett easily. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Mommy and Daddy said that I could help wake you two up!" the boy smiled. His little arms barely went around the both of them, but he still managed, looking adorable as he did it.

"You should tell them that it's too early," Rhett complained, pulling his nephew into a hug. Now the boy was sandwiched between the two of them, enjoying the closeness and the warmth that was underneath the covers. Sebastian was just glad that they had decided to keep some clothes on. He had a feeling something like this would happen that morning.

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