Chapter 28: Sleepy

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Everything felt strange and surreal when Sebastian opened his eyes. He was in a white room with bright lights. He woke up still feeling groggy and rather sleepy. His head was fuzzy and his thoughts were still adrift in the rivers of dreams that he had been floating down before. Sebastian almost missed them, they seemed so peaceful, with memories that left his heart full of joy and smiles all around.

Was this heaven? He wouldn't be surprised if it were. A Tamer's life was supposed to be dangerous and risky. That was why they typically didn't live to an old age, and the ones who did never died from it. They would die heroically, just like their ancestors before them. That was how the Dubois were, for adventure was in their blood.

But he didn't want to be in heaven, not yet at least. It was kind to think that he was there, for it meant that his good deeds had outweighed any bad ones he might have committed. He liked to think they were few and far between. However, if he left the mortal world now, then he wouldn't be able to see all the ones he loved anymore. He wouldn't be able to see his family or the friends he had made along the way.

He wouldn't be able to see Rhett.

Sebastian had to find someone. Perhaps the being that had helped his spirit travel there. For he still had so many things to do. Important things, where people depended on him. He simply had to find a way back. Who was going to help that forest get better? Or find a cure for the sick beasts that inhabited it?

Well, there was Geoff, and he was sure that the rest of his family might come to help them, but they weren't going to know what to do. They weren't going to be able to figure out all that Sebastian had. He had taught Geoff that song, but he only played it once. And if he messed up on a note, there wouldn't be anyone to correct him, which could lead to the entire song being rendered useless.

He still heard that song, even in his sleep. The notes called out to him, making him wish to play or hum it every second of every day. It pushed him to continue with urgency. The song cried out to him, willing him to continue his journey. And that was why he had to. A song as powerful as this one must have been made by someone who was trying to talk to him through it.

Sebastian's eyes finally focused to see the ceiling of a room. It was white as well. He wanted to move, to look around. He still had so much to do and not much time to do it. If they didn't figure out this problem with the forest fast, then there was no telling what could happen. Not to mention they had to find Rhett's brother. Sebastian had made a promise that they were going to find him, along with Odin's family.

And he never went back on a promise.

Everything hurt as soon as he started to make any kind of movement. His arms, his head, his stomach was the worst. All of it was screaming at him to stop, but he kept on moving. He had to, for the sake of not only himself, but the others that he had learned and gotten to know here in this great forest.

There was something in his mouth, keeping him from speaking. Sebastian moved his arms to try and get ahold of it. One of them moved slower than the other. When he blinked and looked at it again, he realized that there was something attached to it. A clear chord that was going right into his arm.

Where was he exactly? And what was this going into his arm?

"Ay!" he heard a familiar voice. "He's awake!"

Geoff? Sebastian tried to talk, but he couldn't. There was something in his throat still. His instinct was to cough it out, but he couldn't. There was something helping him breath at least, but whatever was in his throat wasn't good. Not when he wanted to talk. His hands finally found it, thoughts finally sending their message to them.

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