Chapter 59: The Cycle of Life

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"Rhett," Sebastian shook him a little. "Rhett. Please, wake up."

He couldn't believe he saved him. He had no idea that he had even grabbed him until they had already fallen to the ground. Those arms wrapped tightly around him, but that was the only way Sebastian knew that he was alive. The man's eyes had been closed the entire time.

He didn't know what to do. All he knew was that if Rhett didn't make it, then he didn't know how he was going to. He needed Rhett. He loved him. And now he had pulled him into yet another stupid fight. The guilt was eating him up as he desperately looked for some sign of consciousness from the man. He couldn't play a song to help. His violin was lost in the sea of rocks.

It took until he was pulling himself away from the man to get any sign that he was awake. Those familiar arms held him tighter, if not just by a little. Sebastian put a hand on his cheek, rubbing his thumb against it to coax those eyes to open. Fear was running rampant in his entire being. Originally, it had been fear for his own life. For everyone fears for their life in some way shape or form. But now he knew that much greater fears existed.

And he would have to thank all the holy beings above for letting his lover's eyes finally open to see him. Sebastian swore, he could have cried right then and there. He hugged him, letting some of his own tears fall.

"Rhett!" he wrapped his arms around the man's neck. "Are you okay?"

"My back," Rhett groaned, his body stiff against him.

"Is anything broken?" he asked, then he tried to look down at his legs. "Can you move your legs?!"

"Yeah, yeah," Rhett assured him, his arms going to rub his back. "It's okay, baby. I'm okay."

"But your back-!"

"I just need a second before I can try and get up," Rhett cut him off, kissing the hand that Sebastian still had on his cheek. "Don't worry about it."

He was worried. He was very concerned. This was all his fault for him coming here. It was supposed to be Sebastian's mistake, for he had only come here in search for his family. They were all supposed to figure out his location so that they could strategize the best way to finally destroy this man. He should have known that he couldn't do it alone, whether twas his destiny to fight him or not.

Sebastian looked around, unsure of where they had landed. He was sure that Skylak hadn't known that they survived the fall. If he had, then they would have already been caught again by the evil wizard. They were both weakened.

They were on a cliff, one of the many that this rocky island had. It was far away from everyone else, but he could see them all. He could see his family dancing around the beasts that wished to tear them apart. Geoff was doing his best to play the song that Sebastian had found, but he wasn't sure if it was going to be enough.

The rest of his family didn't have any instruments to use. Instead of playing anything, they used their voices. Each person had their own unique sound. It was the grandest of all instruments, because a voice could do so much when trained. That was why it was the first instrument that a tamer was trained in.

He didn't know how they could still sing. They had been restrained longer than him. He could tell that their voices were being strained while they sang, even though it was still as beautiful as ever. Sebastian's ears had been trained to know things like that. It was good to know that they still had some fight left in them. Even Titus was putting up a good fight, avoiding the claws and jaws of the beasts that surrounded them.

He wished he could help them. He wished he could help Rhett. It seemed like all he could ever do was get in more trouble than he could handle. While they were in a secluded spot, hidden away from their enemy, Sebastian was still without a real weapon to use. His violin was somewhere in the chaos, hopefully not shattered. And his throat was much too soar to think about using it as an instrument.

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