Chapter 48: Head Tilting Speculations

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They slept for a long while after that, exhausted by what had happened. It didn't surprise Sebastian that Rhett hadn't gotten any sleep the night before. He was just glad that he was able to get him and Gulliver out of there as fast as he could. If not, more problems could have risen due to being so close to that orb.

He didn't want to think about that, though. Not right then. Sebastian would rather enjoy the moment with Rhett as the man slept soundly that morning. It was peaceful being there. It truly felt like home, being in those arms. They were rather difficult to get out of when he needed to go to the bathroom, but he still managed.

It wasn't until he started moving that Sebastian realized just how much he had worked his body. His stomach burned even more with every step he took. And his arms were no different. They felt like jello when he tried to move them. It was always the next day that hurt worse than before. Sebastian knew it was nothing serious, just another sign that he was not the best at everything. His challenges always made him stronger in the end.

He smiled as soon as he opened the door, trying not to laugh at the grumpy man that had stood right out front it to wait for him to finish. He still looked half asleep as well, with groggy eyes and disheveled hair. It was adorable.

"I don't know how you did that," Rhett picked him up as soon as he could. "But you need to stop."

"Doing what?" Sebastian giggled, entwining his fingers in the man's hair. He loved the feeling, and he knew that it relaxed his lover. It was a simple remedy for the grumpy werewolf that was just waking up for the day.

"Getting out of my arms," the man grumbled.

"I had to go to the bathroom!" Sebastian laughed, too happy to stop himself. His stomach hurt as he did so, but it was a good kind of pain. Possibly the only good kind that he could think of.

"That's no excuse," Rhett told him, burying his face in Sebastian's neck.

"That is a very good excuse, thank you very much."

He thought they would wind up back in bed, where the sleepy beast surely needed to rest more. With all that had happened, it seemed as though no amount of rest would be good enough for him. His stomach was a great example of that. He was surprised to find the man turning on the water and bringing them into the shower instead. The warmth felt good on his aching muscles.

"We're going to check on Gulliver, right?" he asked, melting into the man as the water lulled him into its own kind of trance.

"Only if he's awake," Rhett said, washing the dirt off from him. Sebastian had already started to work on cleaning Rhett's hair before he could try to stop him. "I don't want to bug him while he's trying to recover."

"Geoff will probably know," he chuckled. "He's more social than he wants to admit."

"Noah's been keeping an eye on him while we've been asleep," Rhett said. "And Genie won't leave his side for anything."

That wasn't surprising. Everett was most likely sleeping on that hospital bed with him as well. It wouldn't shock him if the boy never wanted to leave his father's side.

Speaking of Gulliver and his family, though, that got Sebastian remembering what had happened the day before. Him and Gulliver hadn't talked much since he was trying to get them out of that cavern, but there was something that he had said that he hadn't truly had time to think about until now.

"Rhett?" he got his lovers' attention. "Can I ask you something?"

"You can ask me anything."

"Why did Gulliver say that I was the Luna?" he looked at him, confused. "I thought that Genevieve was."

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