Chapter 15: A Boop and A Kiss

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He couldn't believe he actually agreed to this. He shouldn't have. It was the most idiotic thing he had done in a while, and his life had been riddled with many idiotic things. Both before and after he first took his position as leader of the pack. No leader stopped making mistakes, that was just how one became stronger. Once you learned from those mistakes, and you did your best to make sure they didn't happen again, you were smarter. And intelligence was power all in of itself.

And absolutely none of it was being used when he was looking at the brunette that begged him to go on this stupid mission.

Rhett didn't think he'd ever see the man like he did when he had finally gone into the room to hear him out. Those light brown eyes were set aflame as he went on and on about their fight just a few moments before. There was passion when he talked about the beasts that he never left sick, and the hurt in his face as he lifted his sleeve to show him the bruise that Rhett had left. That was what truly cracked him.

Rhett didn't want to hurt him. That was why he always tried to walk off his anger. He had always been afraid that one of these days he would wind up actually hurting someone in his rage. Rhett was more afraid of himself than anyone else. And when Sebastian showed him the large bruise that he made on his arm, his whole tough act fell. He didn't want to hurt Sebastian. He was just angry that the man wanted to leave him. He was angry that he had gotten so close to someone that just wanted to leave him.

He really had grown attached to the man. It took that moment for him to realize it. No one could make him so calm as Sebastian, even before he had the curse. Rhett had been so rambunctious as a child, and that same energy traveled with him when he became an adult. All he had wanted to do was stay up late and keep moving, his mind going a mile a minute every time his eyes were open. Before he just thought that he was completely fine with being that way the rest of his life. But now he wasn't so sure. He had grown rather attached to the peace that the night brought now. Sebastian himself was such great therapy.

But he was right: Rhett couldn't rely on him his whole life, even if a part of him wanted to. He had to find a means to cure himself so that he could be independent again. He needed to work with this man so that he could go back to focusing on his pack and leading them.

Then perhaps, if the Moon Goddess wished it, he could deal with his brother next.

"How long will you two be gone?" Genie asked. No one was happy about this idea of them venturing out past pack grounds, let alone where they were actually going. He told them last minute too, eager to get this over with. The last thing he wanted to do was go see that asshole. He had caused enough problems for him.

It would be better to just get this over with before he changed his mind. That would only start another fight.

"Two days," he told her. Noah had been helping him pack some things for the journey. "At the most."

"Probably less than that," Sebastian winked at her.

Genie looked at Sebastian with a smile, but Rhett knew she still worried. They hadn't had any issues with rogues lately, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't anytime soon. Enemies liked to pop up when the Alpha was gone. Rhett just had to hope that they were lucky enough to not have an issue while he was on his journey.

"We've held out for longer," Noah answered, handing Rhett a bag of necessities. "Just be safe out there. We await your return."

"Now would be a good time, you know."

"What are you talking about?" he mind linked with his beta.

"To see if he's your mate or not," Noah said, those eyes slightly humorous. "If you really want to find out, that is. I still think that he's your cure to this."

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