Chapter 7: Three Days

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Well, he couldn't just leave him like that. That wouldn't be right for a tamer to do, would it? Sebastian had been arguing in his head about this the whole time he stayed. It was his duty to take care of all the beasts that were in trouble, and he was sure that this werebear was just as confused as this wolf counterpart when Sebastian first came here. He should be trying to head out and figure that out. He would have come back once it was all finished perhaps just to see how they were doing.

But he stayed. He let those pretty green eyes convince him to stay just a little bit longer.

Oh, who was he kidding? Sebastian could only fool himself thinking like this. Truth be told, he hated to see beasts miserable, and this one seemed more than troubled. He woke up much earlier than he should have again, just like he did when Sebastian had first snapped him out of it. He just looked so out of it and scared. Of course, he didn't show it in the crowd that had formed outside. He kept it hidden until they were in that room together, alone.

There was also the fact that this house was a wonderland. It was so beautiful and warm. He was surprised by all the things that a house could have in the middle of the forest. Already he got to see the magic of electric stoves. It was truly amazing just how well civilization had done for themselves.

"I still can't believe you've never seen this," the cook shook her head. She was an amazing woman, Sebastian had found. Her name was Amelia, and she was a weaker wolf. It was interesting finding out that there were ranks among werewolves. He didn't know that was how they differentiated from others in their packs.

"It's not every day I go into civilization," he told her, sitting at the table. He would have loved to hop up on the counters, but he could hear his mother's voice now if he did such a thing. Twas disrespectful to say the least. "There's probably a lot that I missed in between the ancient trees and snowy tundra's."

"And how am I supposed to believe that you went and did all of this at age twenty?" she gave him a curious look as she mixed things into a bowl. Her greying hair was put up in a bun as she worked. He loved being in a kitchen while people were cooking. Cooking and baking were their own kind of magic too. And they were sure delicious ones as well.

"I've been dealing with beasts ever since I was eight," he told her. "Although, I want to say I befriended my first one when I was five."

"And what would that be?" she asked, "A dragon?"

"No," Sebastian shook his head. "They don't really have those in the Amazon."

"You were in the Amazon?" she turned to look at him this time, forgetting about whatever was in her bowl. "You mean the forest, right?"

"There's another Amazon?" he asked. Now she was having him confused.

"You really are something else," she huffed, bringing something from the table. "Here, make yourself useful and cut these up. I assume you at least know what a knife is, right?"

"That's one of the most ancient weapons of all time," he smiled at her, grabbing the knife to cut the vegetables she had on a cutting board. "Of course, I know how to use them. I use one all the time whenever I go hunting."

"And just what does a scrawny man such as yourself hunt?"

"Mainly rabbits recently," he looked up in thought, cutting the vegetables blindly with ease. "They make for some easy food."

"Ha!" Amelia laughed. "And here I thought you would be a vegan or something!"

"What's a vegan?"

Before he could get an answer for that, more people entered the room, including a small ball of energy that ran up to him immediately. Sebastian set down the knife and quickly swooped Everett into his arms. The kid was so light, and he laughed every time he picked him up.

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