Chapter 1: A Fluffy Encounter

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Author's Note: Welcome all my bxb lovers! I'm glad to have you here! I don't normally make a note up at the top of my chapters (and I promise this isn't going to be a reoccurring thing) but I have something very important to tell you.

This book is officially completed! Thank you for all the continuous support, and I hope you all enjoy this great story full of ups and downs. It's truly been a great journey finishing it with you all.

Thanks for all the votes and comments! And, without further ado, let's get on with the cuteness!


"Long, long ago. In a forest far away from home," he said, walking through the trees. "The young adventurer set out to best the mightiest beasts of America!" He excitedly put his hand in the air. Then, after a few seconds of silence, he put it down and shook his head. "No, no. That's too cliché. It's been done so many times, and I swear Uncle Glastion starts out every one of his stories like that."

There was no one with him as he walked through the woods. It was something that he was used to in his career. He had gone on adventures by himself ever since he was fourteen. It was something that his family prepared him for, a tradition, if you will.

It was also why talking to himself was completely normal.

"Oh where, oh where is that grumpy werebear?" he asked himself. It had to be here somewhere. He was absolutely sure that he was in the right forest. He was told specifically that there was a Werebear in the Misty Oak Forest that was causing havoc. Poor thing was probably lost or grieving for something. That's what usually happened with Werebears. They were always so isolated, and most of them just didn't know how to deal with their emotions.

He had dealt with Werebears a lot. That was one of his specialties. Although, they were typically in Canada. This was the first time that he was able to visit America to help them out. The country had a pretty good control over their magical creatures, so they never really asked his family for help.

This case was just a little different than what was normal for the vast forest of Misty Oak. There wasn't just one, but two beasts here that were misbehaving. That was why him and his brother had been called to help. They were the only ones in the family who were close by. That and his parents were on their own special mission.

He didn't want to think about that.

His brother and him had decided to split up for this complicated mission that they were on. Since he was better with forest animals, and his brother better with ocean creatures, they figured it'd be best to stick to where they were best at.

Now if only he could find the beast that he was supposed to help.

"Hmph," he dropped his leather bag on the ground. "Am I really going to have to try and lure him out?"

That wasn't common for werebears. You see, usually they're so angry that they tried to attack anyone in the forest that they resided in. That was why they needed to be dealt with as quickly as possible. He just liked doing it the passive way rather than trying to hurt them. Most beasts weren't bad, just angry.

The key was differentiating between the two.

Then again, it was a pretty big forest. He wouldn't be surprised if it took a while to find this beast. He was honestly thinking that it would take an hour at least. But he supposed it wouldn't be that bad if it took a day or two instead. Patience was key when it came to this line of work.

A luring song might help him, though. And he liked the idea of getting his beast before his brother. He had to show off a little, after all.

"Alright," he rummaged through his bag. It was pretty big. It had to be considering that it held all of his important belongings in it. He was always on the move, so he packed light and lived off the land that he was traveling through. It was a simple life. One that he very much enjoyed.

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