Chapter 52: Ominous Tranquility

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"Left to go find the bastard that did this," Rhett read out loud. "I can't just sit around and wait when my family is missing. I know you all think it'll all work out, but I'm not going to wait around and see. I'm sorry.'

"I'll be back, Odin Wilde," he finished, letting his arm fall a little.

"I can't believe he would leave," Sebastian frowned. He had read that small piece of paper ten times over. There were so many things that could go wrong by him leaving. That was why Sebastian himself hadn't gone out there. They needed to stay together now more than ever.

"That's Odin for you," Gulliver sighed. "If it's not winter, he's too anxious to think things through. The guy never had the patience for anything."

"He's worried about his family," Rhett said, looking at the paper. "They're the only ones he's got."

"He always has us," Gulliver said.

"It's not the same, Gull," Rhett told him. "You know that."

Sebastian stayed quiet as he watched the conversation take place. He was upset that Odin would leave in the middle of the night, but he could understand why he did it. Rhett could too. He could see just how sorrowful those eyes got when he mentioned family. Sebastian knew what he was going through. Sebastian remembered when he first met him, and just how troubled those grassy eyes were. He was upset and angry and confused. There was nothing in his mind but a will to protect his family and find the one that was missing.

While Sebastian had been able to convince Rhett to stay within the pack territory while they both solved the mystery, he supposed Odin was a different person. He had always been the one to take action. They all were. But he supposed the werebear was closer to the beast side of himself than the rational one.

"If this were any other time," Noah shook his head. "You two would be having the opposite reaction to all of this."

"These aren't those times," Rhett rolled his eyes. It made Sebastian feel a little better knowing that he wasn't too upset by all of this. Perhaps it would all work out.

If only he could let himself believe that.

It made him worried. He had been worried a lot recently. Staying behind made things worse. And, while Rhett had helped calm him down, sometimes it just wasn't enough.
He still didn't like sitting back. But he didn't think any of them did. That was just the agreement that was made as they all awaited the time to fight. All Sebastian could do was play the song he always had and try to be happy with the present. Things were looking up.

"Should we go after him?" Noah asked. Their guards had gone out to scour the territory in search of those orbs. Tibo was the one that led them all, as he was the one who had found the fog in the first place. The man had a good eye. But it had been a week now and they had found and destroyed quite a lot of those orbs in the territory. He was sure that they would be willing to look for the werebear, but he doubted that they would be able to convince him to come back.

"No," Rhett shook his head. He put the note in his pocket. "We wouldn't be able to bring him back without force, and I'm not putting anyone through that Hell right now."

"I just hope he doesn't go through another episode," Genevieve said, looking rather worried herself. Sebastian was sure that she had been concerned for the situation they were all in. Twas still shocking to Sebastian himself to learn just how massive a land that this wizard tried to take.

"The best thing we can do is continue to look for any of those spheres," Rhett told them all. "If that's what's making everyone lose control, then taking those out should help him."

They had found at least five more in their territory alone. Every time, they would have Sebastian or Geoff get ahold of their parents and tell them where it was. He would not be surprised if they had tons of tales just like he, himself, did when he had found Gulliver. From what he heard when Rhett was getting updated was that they had all been put in hard-to-reach spots. One was even hovering right atop a land of spikes, sharp enough to cut just by looking.
He was pretty sure they had found all the ones they could in the land they searched. The air smelt fresher, cleansed from the red smoke that polluted the forest so. It was like seeing the forest for the first time. For he would always think that this place was stunning. And now he got to see it shine even more. That made him happy.

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