Part 21.

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 I only had a week left in PR and then I'm leaving for orientation and me and morgan spent our time together everywhere.

We had sex everywhere.

On Monday we tried having sex in the big tree in the back and even though my room could see right into the outside, somehow nobody could see us. It was weird at first but we adjusted and then everything fell into place.

Everyone would go off to the lake or to the beach and we would purposely stay behind since we knew the house would be empty for some time. Then when they came back they asked us what we did all day and we laughed at each other.

On Thursday we were down in the kitchen cooking. Nobody was awake. Or that's what we had thought.

"Your grandma knows what we're doing" I whispered stirring the pot

"Shut up," Morgan said "No way" She put her hand over her mouth smiling. I nodded 

"But she didn't mind, she told me about how she met your grandfather and how they were our age when they met and got married. It was nice" I said 

Morgan stayed silent. The lights had gone out again and there were candles surrounding her and all she had on was a white button-up shirt.

"Should we be cooking, I think everyone is asleep" I laughed "They'll come trust me" She said

I stopped stirring and made my way over to her. She made it seem like she was putting effort into cutting vegetables but she wasn't.

"You're useless," I told her taking the knife away from her. I kissed her shoulder "Because who cooks in the dark" She joked 

"It's my last night I wanted to do something nice" I joked. She looked sad at the thought of me leaving "It's only for a day I promise I'll come right back" I told her 

"Or maybe just don't leave at all," She said placing her hands on the side of my face and kissing me slowly, "I think I like the sound of that," I said 

I picked her up off the table and held her and we started going at it in the middle of the kitchen. The next thing I know we were on the kitchen floor naked and then we made our way back to the table, knocking things over but careful not to get near the candles.

We heard a noise and that's when we stopped. We put our clothes back on and went to go check the house. 

"Shit" We heard. I took the flashlight and pointed it in the direction of the person.

It was Morgan's stepdad 

"sorry I was trying to see if the lights could come back on" Something about him looked odd when he saw us.

He looked away from us and me and Morgan looked at each other. 

He might know but who cares.

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