Part 7.

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I don't wake up until exactly 9 in the morning and when I go to stare at myself in the mirror, I notice the blood had dried all over parts of my face. I go to sit back down on my bed and my sheets start to move.

I get up startled and move the sheets away "The fuck Kylie" She stretches smiling at me. "What, you know morgan's in my bed" she shrugs and all the events that happened last night came racing back to my mind. Kylie sits up.

"How is she?" I ask. She turns to face me and shrugs again "She was up most of the night crying because Jared wouldn't stop threatening her. 

So we talked and she told me about everything that happened with them and I think she thinks it's her fault" My heart drops because of course it isn't her fault he's the one with the issues. "I told her it isn't her fault and she was impressed about the way you fought for her, she said nobody ever has"

"coffee?" she then says. I shake my head and she heads downstairs while I head into the other room

When I enter, Morgan's brushing her hair. She sees me and immediately gets startled by my face 

"Oh no," she says covering her mouth with her hands. I carefully sit down next to her on the bed "does it hurt?" she asks touching the corner of my eyebrow. I shrug "Could be better" I tell her 

"I'm sorry this is all my fault, I told him he can only come if he behaves himself, and now look" she throws her hands up defeated. "It's alright, he can never kick my ass and he knows that" I laugh

She rummages through her bag and pulls out a flyer that states TJ'S LAKEHOUSE SUMMER PARTY BLOWOUT 

"He invited me, said I'm part of the family now" She smiles "It's gonna be amazing you'll love it," I tell her because tj's beginning of the summer party at the lakehouse is a huge event in itself. 

He started it last year and only invited us and some others but people started showing up from the school and made it the biggest event of the summer. Sometimes it gets messy but it's worth it. 

I cradle my face between her neck "expect more fights to happen" I tell her jokingly 


THE START OF THE SUMMER, it's already as hot as can be and I'm helping tj pass out more flyers for the party that's happening in 24 hours.

"I think that's literally everyone from the school," I tell him. I ride my bike next to him while he talks "Hey man I heard Beyonce might show up" He's smiling widely and who is me to tell him that she's not actually coming so I just nod 

"TJ, Beyonce is not coming get over it" Shareese says sipping her slushie "Aye man you just a hater," Tj tells her. Me and Shareese exchange looks

He continues on without us "Morgan comin?" She asks "Yeah, she's excited" I smile at the thought of her "You know Jared will show up even though he's not invited" She exchanges a look and my face falls. We both sigh "Fucking Jared" 

Mentioning his name, he shows up "well well well, why you guys standing around" He comes closer to me "We have a party to attend" He raises his eyebrow and smiles at me. I get in his face "Don't you fucking come anywhere near Morgan" I push back at him with my chest. He stumbles and pushes past me "See you there" He says, Still smiling

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