Part 5.

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I glance over my morgan's shoulder still kissing her neck as if he's not there. He's stumbling, which means he's drunk which means he's about to do something stupid.

"Fuck" I say still kissing morgan as I'm looking back at Jared make his way toward the patio doors. He finally manages to open them and leans against them staring straight at us with a stupid smirk on his face. He places his beer in between his underarm and raises his hands to start clapping.

"Well well well," He says smiling. Morgan turns around and sighs "The fuck do you want?" I snap because he not only interrupted a moment between me and morgan, he has a dumb look on his face and I'm dying to punch it.

"Is it because he's taller than me and you can tiptoe to kiss him" Jared mocks. He looks at me with a smug grin "Captin of the fucking basketball team is that it?" He asks. I sit there with my fingers interlocked between my legs unbothered

"Is his dick bigger than mine?" Jared slurs "Get the fuck out Jared nobody wants you here" TJ snaps. He slurs again "I just" He starts pointing his glass at morgan "wanna know why she chose him," He said looking at me disapprovingly

"Maybe my dick is bigger than yours" I smile back at him making him angrier. He comes toward morgan and pulls her outside with him and they start arguing. We all watch from the kitchen.

I pull at my hair in frustration because the thing about Jared is he's impulsive and he abused morgan more than once which is why he's mad that she left him.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him if he touches her" I snap. TJ sees my fury and pulls his sleeves up ready to pounce

They continue arguing and I hear morgan yell "I hate you" she starts to walk away "just go away Jared you're ruining my night" He grabs her arm, turns her around, and slaps her right across the face, and before I know it I'm on the ground throwing punches left and right.

"you fucking piece of shit" I yell and hit and we tussle for a couple of minutes before anyone can pull me off of him. I'm being held back by some of my friends "You fucking" I go forward again throwing another punch. I finally stop, spitting out blood I manage to kick him again.

TJ pushes him toward the door "The fuck out man" He says

"FUCK YOU" I hear him scream. He screams like that for a good few minutes before he mumbles something and limps off down wherever.

I stumble and try to catch my breath. I'm bleeding from my head and my mouth.

"Fuck" I say and TJ hands me a wet rag. I look around and I don't see Morgan and I Immediately panic.

Still stumbling I go back inside the house. She's not there. I then hear someone call my name and Shareese is pointing to a treehouse way in the back where I can see a silhouette of a person. I place the rag down and make my way over there.

The treehouse is lit by fairy lights and morgan once told me it's her favorite place to hide and this is where I'll always find her. I slowly climb up the ladder making sure not to scare her.

She huddled in the corner crying and my heart drops. "Go away," she says, not looking up.

"Hey," I say softly making my way toward her. She finally looks up and she seems relieved that it's me that found her. I wrap my legs around her and pull her into me. "Shhh," I say. I move her hair out of her face and cradle her.

"What did I ever do to him?" she cries. I move my face closer and caress her cheek, wiping away her tears "Nothing baby, you're amazing" I whisper. We sit there like that for 30 minutes until I can hear that she's no longer crying.

When she finally sits up her face is puffy and bright red and I wanna punch Jared some more. She doesn't say anything, she just swings her legs over the other side of the treehouse.

Shareese and Tj are standing at the bottom offering smiles "Heeeey" TJ jokes and it makes her smile which makes me smile "You guys want some cake" He says "Sorry we didn't get to sing to you you were too busy crying" He jokes and Shareese nudges him. Morgan laughs

I kiss her cheek "I'll go get some for you" I say. I head back down the ladder and into the kitchen "Man what a fight" TJ laughs "That was dope" he says

He puts his hands on his hips "Fucking Jared man" He sighs and shakes his head "I know" I say. I grab us a plate of food and some cake and make my way back over. "Hey" I yell up. She smiles down at me "Do you wanna come eat with me down here" I joke showing her that I have a handful of food in both my hands

She laughs and makes her way down. I stand at the bottom to help her down and her cheeks are still red and blotchy. I smooth out her cheeks with my thumbs and kiss her forehead.

"Thank you," she says and I know what she means

I hold onto her and close my eyes thinking about the thought that if I can do it again just for her I will over and over.

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