Part 10.

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Around 9:00 the party began to come alive, we had the fire burning by the lounge area and there were people seated there laughing and smiling. There were people on the deck area dancing and drinking, there were even some people passed out on the ground, and every few minutes there were people making sure they were ok.

TJ was gradually trying to pass out water and telling the underage kids to "Drink responsibly" while smiling. I laughed at his efforts because nobody wanted the water. I look over by the lounge area and see kylie and the same girl from earlier sitting and laughing. I found out her name was Kat. She had a streak of blonde in the front of her hair, a mouth piercing and she seemed to always flock to the color black.

I look the other way to see morgan talking to some girl. She was smiling and laughing and this made my heart jump in a thousand ways, seeing her happy. I wanted to pull her away so that I could spend time with her again but that wouldn't be fair so I stopped thinking about it. 

There was a dude in close proximity to me chanting verses from the bible and I stared at him for a second. He was on his knees praying "Dude, are you ok?" I asked him and he slowly looked up "We must ask God for our forgiveness upon our sinister acts" I just looked at him "It's a pool party" I mentioned to him. I raised my eyebrow 

"Dude, please stop praying," Tj said trying to get him off the floor "Go enjoy yourself" The guy walked away saying "Were all going to hell" I shake my head and sit on the ground

I glance over at the lake and realize I've been here for hours and haven't touched it once. I instantly start walking over taking off my shirt and shoes and I grab Morgan and pull her with me "Let's go swim" I tell her smiling. She pulls a face and then I remember that she can't swim.

"It's ok," I tell her still smiling. I take her hand and pull her into the water with me and she starts grinning. The water is cold and perfect. We stay close to the ground for a few minutes then I pull her in more and the water goes above our knees.

I go in further until it's above my torso and I motion for her to come over to me but she doesn't move. I swim back over and take her hand "It's ok I won't let anything happen to you" I whisper to her. 

After a while, other people started joining us. It wasn't until then that we hear the police siren and everyone stops. "Holy fuck" TJ says "Nobody move" He panics "TJ you're gonna make everything fucking worse" I snap at him

"Shit my coke" I hear one dude say and runs off. The police car stops in front of the house and the lights go out. A man slowly steps out but we can't tell who it is. 

"Shiiiit, I'm going to jail" Tj says still panicking "Shut up" I tell him "Dude, there are underage kids here and drugs" He starts yapping "Shut up and don't say anything," I tell him. we start to make our way over to the car

"Well, well, well what do we have here" I stop noticing that the voice of the person belongs to my father. I sigh and TJ is relieved. Out steps his dad from the passenger seat. "Looks like we got us here a grand lookin party am I right bill" 'yessir you are lookin grand indeed" He says smiling

After a few minutes, more police cars show up. One of the officers waves at my dad and bill and my dad motions them over "well I'll be damned" He says putting his hands on his hips. Were all waiting for them to make a move but they don't. 

"What say we fire up the grill" My dad calls "Fellas" and makes his way down to the deck "Whoohoo, hell yeah" The officers yell

"Amazing" Tj says and I just look at him


Toward the end of the night, the music is still loudly playing and I'm surprised everyone is still out having fun.

TJ stands on a chair and bangs his beer glass "GATHER AROUND EVERYONE" 

Everyone gathers around the fire and stares at tj "what's this?" Morgan ask

I sit down and pull her close on my lap "He's about to give one of his famous speeches" I smile at her and kiss her cheek. 

"Ahem" He starts. He's a little drunk but nobody seems to mind. "I just want to start off by saying, HAPPY FIRST FUCKING DAY OF SUMMER" He yells and everyone raises their glasses and yells with him "Hell yeah" I hear my dad

"I want to say thanks to all of you for coming and joining me to the start of a beautiful summer, I wanna thank my dad for not shutting us down because he simply has the right to but chose not to" Everyone applauded 

Just then before he could continue, he was interrupted by a car and there goes my mom, TJ's mom, and Morgan's mom and dad. I stiffened at the sight of him 

"Well hellooooo" Morgan's mom came rushing down to join in on the fun "Mooom" I called but I was smiling "Oh honey it's alright we came to have fun," She said 

"Before I was rudddely interuppted" TJ started. Everyone laughed "I want to thank the parents for joining us, raise our glasses to them," He said "I also want to point out that if this summer teaches us something and anything at all it's that we are forever young, We will remain in the space of love and being in love with ourselves and others around us" I see my parents nodding at this "I want to give a toast to some people. I want to thank first and foremost Kylie, for showing us that we can love anyone we want to. A toast to her and Kat" Everyone claps 

"I want to thank Morgan, for a few reasons. She may be younger than some of us but dam does she know how to parttttyyyy" Everyone shouts at this even me. "I also want to thank her for making my best friend the happiest man alive, you guys may not have most people on your side but you have the support of all of us and that means so much more"

This almost made me cry because it's true.

"I want to end off this speech by stating that we will always have summer and the memories and the fights and the makeup and breakups but it's us as a whole that makes it what it is" 

"To summer" He finally toasts 

"TO SUMMER" We yell

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