Part 8.

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I stare at Morgan sitting across the room from me and for some reason, I enjoy watching Kylie curl her hair. I stare at her through the mirror and she sees me and smiles and I smirk at her because TJ's party is tonight and what we mainly do is spend 3 whole nights up there.

I shake my head at her. How the hell am I supposed to spend 3 nights with her without wanting to devour her every second. Kylie sees us giving looks at each other back and forth "y'all are weird" she laughs

"I'm gonna go get ready," I tell them and I push myself off the bed. I quickly dash out of the room and call TJ, he doesn't hesitate to pick up "yo yo yo D-man" He answers 

"How the hell am I suppose to get liquor?" I ask looking back at kylie's room making sure she doesn't hear me because if one of us is a terrible liar it's me and I can't get away with anything without the help of her.

"Dude don't yo moms got a liquor cabinet?" He asks. He only says this because we don't currently have anyone we know that is over 18 to buy us liquor and if we ask our friends with their connections it will take too long and we have a 2-hour drive ahead of us. 

I rummage through my mom's cabinet, she's at work so it's easy. "What are we looking for?" I ask him. "The hard stuff" I hear him grin

My mom is not a drinker she keeps these things for occasions like Christmas or Easter.

"Almost ready" Kylie calls. "shit," I say, I hang up the phone and start packing the liquor into my backpack and throw everything in the car over it.

I head back inside to get myself ready. I throw on a tank top, some shorts, and my white chucks. I go back into kylies room expecting them to be ready because who takes hours to do their hair for a pool party at a lakehouse anyway. 

"I'm leaving" I joke and I slowly walk down the stairs 

"Dylan" I hear kylie whine "I'm heading for the door" I call back  "Stop" She yells "I'm gonna-" before I can finish my sentence, they're downstairs in the car.


The drive up there isn't too bad, only kylie is stuck looking t her phone for most of the ride and Morgan is dead silent. I think about who Kylie could be talking to because I haven't seen her smile in a minute.

I grab Morgan's hand and squeeze it and she turns her attention back to me and smiles. I wonder how she's going to take being around a lot of older people for 3 days. I'm scared I'll send her back home crying.

Just around 5:10, we arrive at the lakehouse, and it's just as I remember it. A huge house in the front surrounded by greenery and then a huge lake in the back that goes on for miles. There are three other medium-sized houses around where the lake wraps around that's how TJ is able to invite the whole school because he has space for things like this.

"TJ owns all of this?" Morgan asked looking around "His grandfather gave it to him when he passed as an inheritance gift," I tell her

We keep walking where we can now hear loud music playing and there are a lot of people already there. I look back and kylie has already left us standing with some girl over by the lounge area.

I see Jared walking up with a beer in his hand and he stands looking at us both, always smiling 'Dylan, morgan nice to see you two made it in one piece" He says. Morgan immediately grows frustrated. He passes me "These next 3 days are gonna be fun" He whispers

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