Part 2.

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Sometimes, It gets nauseating thinking about someone over and over until your head hurts. Until you do everything you can to stop thinking about them and it doesn't work.

7:45 I'm up and dressed before kylie and out the door because the school opens at 7:45 for breakfast and morgan, on Tuesdays and Thursdays volunteers in the school library, so she'll be there around 8.

I'm not gonna stress myself out any longer but today I wanted to see her and that puts knots in my stomach altogether.

When I get there, she's making her way up the stairs to her destination. I clumsily trip over a few people's bookbags that are sitting on the floor on my way over to her. I casually run up the stairs behind her and grab her by the waist "Guess who" I whisper putting my lips to her ear and she almost falls back

"Not you" she jokes she doesn't seem too happy and this makes me sad a bit

"What's up?" I ask her and she sighs "planning for my 16th," she says. I slowly walk beside her feeling bad about my feelings because I'm almost certain we can't be together because of her age

"I mean everything is planned I just have to find an outfit," she says and stops by her locker. I'm not sure if she notices how hard I'm staring at her but if she did she doesn't say anything "don't sweat it you'll look good in whatever you decide to wear" I say in a whisper but I've already seen what she's wearing because Shareese showed me and I'm imagining her legs in it and the way she will look so pleasing that night that I might just die.

"Is Jared coming?" I stupidly ask. Jared is her ex from the football team who has anger and attachment issues and can't seem to leave morgan alone "Fuck Jared" she states and closes her locker.

We walk over to the library and I watch her open it. She heaves another sigh "knowing him, he'll show up to my party anyway and try to pick a fight" she looks sad at this. I'm still staring at her just casually blinking and listening. "I'll gladly kick his ass for you" I smile at her and this makes her feel better because she smiles back and there goes my heartstrings pulling at me once again.

"You coming to the game tonight?" I ask her as I watch her put away some books that were left on the front desk

"Dylan I'm the head cheerleader" she laughs. I bite my lip at her "I know I just wanted to hear you say it" I cross my arms and stand behind the front desk and continue watching her.

I lower my eyes up and down at her body and continue to bite my lip. She's wearing a blouse but her whole back is out and she has on tight pink shorts. I take in all of her curves and imagine what her body must feel like.

She turns around and I'm still staring "You missing first?" she asks. I think for a second I'm passing my English class so I could miss and spend 45 minutes with her in this small room because when I look at her, walking out of this room seems like my least favorite option.

It's dark in the library, there are windows but they're small and all the way at the top of the ceiling so barely any light gets in. So If I wanted to make a move nobody would really notice and it's intimate which is why I chose to stay.

After a while, she disappears and I look up from reading a comic book. I hear noises in the back and notice her shuffling around looking for something. I make my way over, taking deep breaths.

"Want some help?" I ask but before she answers I slowly move behind her and put my hands on her waist. I then move my hands back and forth rubbing her waist and placing small kisses behind her ear, moving down to her jaw.

"Dylan," she says my name in a moan, and she tries to gently take my hands away but my kisses only become rougher "we..." she starts "can't" she moves away still holding my hands. Her chest moved up and down and her cheeks flushed with color. I'm smiling.

I sit down on top of a small table in the corner near me and pull her towards me. Her lips meeting mine. "I know you want to," I say lowly and soft tracing my fingers along her spine.

"you know why we can't," she says defeatedly

"you won't be 15 forever," I say, tracing my tongue along her bottom lip. Still holding onto her tightly.

"Kiss me and I'll stop I promise," I say sucking on her bottom lip "Dylan," she says again, and before She can say anything else we hear a loud 'hello" and our moment becomes interrupted

I don't let go of her though. I just smile wickedly. She places her hands on my chest and moves backward also smiling. "Next time" I tease and watch her walk back up to the front desk.

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