Extra #2: Hey, So...We're Dating

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note: i wanted to put all of these scenarios in one part but it got so laggy 🌝

The Team

It was the end of practice and the team scrambled around to clean the gym before leaving.

Today was the day that you'd tell the team about your relationship, although you bet that some of the (ahem) more mature members already figured it out.

"YOU GUYS ARE DATING!" A voice yelled out, causing various people to drop their tasks and then turn their heads.

"SHH." Yamaguchi spat the sighed. "Well, we would have told you guys eventually."

"No faaair, how come I can't get a girlfriend." Nishinoya pouted.

"Our little first years are getting all lovey dovey I see~" Suga chimed. "Ah, young love." He held a hand to his heart.

Yamaguchi and Yachi were a flustered hot mess as they were surrounded by people and being bombarded with questions.

Tsukishima walked by the group to go to the club room.

"Y/n and I are dating by the way." He muttered, not caring if someone heard, although, that was the plan.

"HAH?" Tanaka whipped his head around, followed by Nishinoya and the rest of the group.

"Say what?" The the third years asked all at once.

"Y/n and I are dating." He said louder, this time exiting the gym.

You were left there, face hot. Not a good mix with the cold weather entering through the open gym door.

"HOLD UP." Suga ran out the door, coming back, dragging the boy by his arm.

"How did you manage to sway the heart of the nice girl?" Kageyama asked.

"Shut up Kageyama, this is where you're supposed to say 'Wow I didn't know that!'"

"But we've all knew since the first time we saw them together that it would end up like this."

"He's right Hinata." Daichi patted the ginger on the shoulder.

"Ok, now pay up to your third years." Suga extended his hands.

"Please tell me you didn't bet on our relationship." Tsukishima face palmed.

"YOU OWE ME 10 BUCKS AND A COKE YA SECONDS." Suga started chasing the second years around the room, leaving the rest of the group in a laughing fit. "AND YOU ASAHI, YOU OWE ME 5 BUCKS FOR YACHI AND TADASHI!"

The Band
"Did you get it?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm here."

You turned your head to the right, relieved at last. Tsukishima approached you, panting after he ran to your house and back to the restaurant.

"I can't believe none of you guys don't carry extra string." He gave you an unamused look, handing over a pack of guitar strings.

"Thank you Kei." You tugged on his shirt and gave him a peck on the lips.

You walked away but he pulled you back, kissing you longer. A big gasp came which led to you both pushing each other apart.

"Y/N? WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST FEW WEEKS?" Ritsu stomped up to you, pointing a finger and making you crossed eye.

"SHHH! Mio scolded. "We are backstage!... Anyways, when did you guys... you know?" Her eyes sparkled with interest.

"Uh right before Christmas." You replied.

"Aha! You guys owe me a carrot cake!" Mugi celebrated.

"Out of every variety of cake, carrot cake? Really?" Ritsu faked a gag.

"Oh come on, carrot cake is good! You're just picky."

"You guys bet too?!" You sighed, "What is going on?"

Hey Lover, You Don't Have to be a Star, You Can be the MoonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant