1: A Fresh Start

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It was the middle of the year and you just moved into your new house because of your parents work.

It was a new place, a new scenery, a new everything. You felt like you didn't belong, even though you decided to come with your parents instead of staying at your last home in the U.S.

You thought this move would give you thrill from the thought of a new start, but you were just anxious to discover this new word on your own.

You sat on your new bedroom floor with earbuds in as you fiddled with your hands.

"Y/n!" Your mother called.

You couldn't hear her because of the music blasting in your ears.

"Y/n!" Your mom came in the room panting, "What are you doing? We're going to be late. Your father is getting angry."

Startled, you shot up from the floor and tugged your earbuds out, shoving them in the pocket of your jeans.

You passed through the hallway of your new home. Although you don't really know if you should call it a home because it didn't feel like one. You peered in the empty rooms. As you passed by your parents' room, you put on a frown. They wouldn't even be living with you for the next few months because they were called to another area for a bit at last minute. You moved with them in attempt to get closer to them, but it doesn't seem like it's going to happen.

You met your mom at the front door and she shoved a box of pastries at you.

"Hold this for a sec." She put on her shoes and you handed the box back to her to put your shoes on.

"Where is your father??" She asked.

"Uh, I don't know."

"Wasn't he the one who was telling us to hurry up?" She sighed.

You chuckled at the comment.

"Sorry I couldn't find my shoes." Your dad rushed in and threw his shoes on the floor, rushing to put them on.

You were supposed to meet with your new neighbors. Since your parents would be gone, they wanted you to create a bond with them in case anything happens.

"Do we really have to do this?" You asked your mom as you shoved your hands in your jacket pockets. "I can watch over myself."

"Honey, I know you can, but you know what can happen."

"Isn't it weird to just show up like that though?"

"Oh, well they were informed about this, we wrote a letter to them. And an apology for all the troubles too."

You approached your neighbors gate and your dad held it open. As you approached the door, your anxiousness grew.

Knock Knock

A woman blonde hair opened the door and smiled.

"Ah, come in, come in! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Hitomi Tsukishima, but please call me Hitomi." She motioned. "Please, sit and have some tea."

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

It's been a while and your parents have been talking with the woman for quite a bit. They were getting along well and talking about adult things. You sat in the corner and just nodded to show you were engaged in the conversation. You peered at the ticking clock.

"You know, I have two children myself." Hitomi laughed.

"Oh is that so?" Your mother asked and chuckled, "I bet they're not as much as a hassle as my children." She hit your dads thigh playfully.

You glared at your mom with wide eyes.

"Oh, haha, they are both at their maturing age so they aren't much of a hassle anymore," The blonde woman took a sip of her tea. "So you have two children as well?"

"Yes, a ten year old, he's back in the states living with his grandmother." Your father replied.

"Still young I see. Ah I miss when my children were little, they're so big and tall now."

At that comment the front door opened to reveal a tall figure.

"Aki! Home so early." Hitomi got up and hugged him. "This is my oldest, Akiteru."

"Haha, yeah." He placed his hand on the back of his neck. "Not much happening nowadays."

"Well, come meet our new neighbors!"

Your family waved at him.

"Ahm, continuing the conversation," Hitomi turned her attention to you, "Y/n, you plan on going to school here, correct?"

You nodded.

"Oh how wonderful! What school?"

"Uh," you glanced at your parents, "K- Karasuno? Yeah..."

"Oh is that so? Oh how wonderful! Maybe my other son can walk you to school. Maybe you'll even get into the same class."

You smiled at her, "R-right. Hopefully."

New people...

Can I really do this... alone?

At Night

You laid on the floor of your room as your tried to sleep. Your head was bustling with thoughts. It was Wednesday, you were going to start school on Monday, your parents would leave for work on Friday and you'd be alone to wander through this unfamiliar world.

You closed your eyes and tried to rest to calm your head.

Damnit, I hope I can do this...

  author's note:
(oh, by the way: after researching on the internet i could not find the first name of mother tsukishima so i took her first name from another fanfic. please tell me if she has an official name.)

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