2: First Day of School (continued)

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*continued from last part*

"L/n, do you have lunch?"

"Oh, I'll get some from the cafeteria later. No need to worry about me." You held a thumbs up at Yamaguchi.

"Okay then! We gotta go so, have a nice lunch L/n." He turned his back towards you. Oh, you too Yachi."

You followed the blonde and green haired boys as they exited the classroom. You turned your head around and made eye contact with the blonde girl that was already looking at you.

"A-ahh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare at you!" She said looking down at her fists resting on her thighs.

"No, no, it's totally fine!" You said, putting your hands out in front of you to reassure her, "I like your hair clip by the way."

"O-oh, thank you," She touched her hair clip, "I'm Yachi Hitoka by the way."

"Yachi... That's a nice name."

"Hehe, thank you again." She scratched the back of her neck.

"S-Say, L/n, how do you like it here so far?" She asked.

"Hm, well... It's a really nice school, although it's hard for me to navigate through everything."

"I see." She looked at you with pity, "Look, I know I seem like a shy person and all but..."

You perked your head up at her.

"...if you ever need help, don't be afraid to ask me." She smiled.

"Hah, thank you Yachi."

And with that you continued about how your day went and potentially introduced yourself to a new friend.

The End of the Day

Ring! Ring! Ring!

You sighed with relief at the sound of the last bell. Rustles of paper and zippering filled the room as children started to pack up their things. You did the same, cringing at all of the new worksheets and books you were to carry.

"Bye Y/n. I'll see you tomorrow!" Yachi said as she headed out of the room.

You waved at her as your eyes darted around the room searching for the tall blonde to follow him home. You saw him near Yamaguchi's desk as he waited for him to pack up. You walked towards them and waved.

"Eh, Tsukki?"

"-shima." The blonde murmured.

You looked at him confused.

"Tsukishima," He said emphasizing the 'shima,' "Tsukishima Kei."

Crap, that's embarrassing.

"I'm so sorry..." You said with your cheeks red from embarrassment, "It's just that you never really told me what you wanted to me to call you... so I just..." You started to get quieter.

Yamaguchi clicked his tongue as he got up from his desk. "No need to be so rude to her Tsukki."

"Whatever," He turned his attention to you, "What is it?"

Startled, you looked up at him and stammered with your words.

"Uh, I was wondering if I could, like, uhm, you know, follow you home and stuff..."

You just looked up at his figure towering over you. He could literally stomp on you like a dinosaur if you agitated him.

Yamaguchi looked at you both with a confused face. "Is there something that you didn't tell me Tsukki?"

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