19: Sad Disco

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Third Person POV

The [hair color] haired girl sat in the middle of the floor singing to songs blasting on her phone.

'Friday night and she's bored at home her friends are gone there's no place to go, with ABBA on her cracked iPhone it's her own, sad disco.'

What a perfect song for a Friday night. Y/n, already finished her homework out of her boredom and had nothing to do.

Usually she'd do homework with Tsukishima and then they'd take a walk or watch a movie.

Tsukishima Kei.

A name that was once unfamiliar but now engrained in her mind. When spoken, it was a sound that made her heart flutter.

Y/n got up and sat at her desk. She looked across to the other window. The lights were on so they were probably in there studying on the floor.

What if he actually grows to her personality?

Wait what am I thinking? Why do I care?

It's because he's the first guy who showed me he cares.

It's a silly little crush, it will go away.

She kept looking through the window and a figure stood up.

It was Tsukishima and he was smiling.


♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

It was 1 AM and you still couldn't fall asleep so you laid on the ground, blinding your eyes with the ceiling light. You kept thinking about how fast everything happened today, especially thinking about the words that Ami spoke.

Yes, you couldn't avoid being replaced by someone else, but for a while you suddenly didn't feel like a second choice.

All your life you felt like no one payed attention to you. Put yourself in a room with other girls and you'd be the one left. Maybe it was just your head.

When you were with Tsukishima you felt that maybe you could've been the first choice. For a second you thought that maybe just maybe he reciprocated the same feelings.

Now,  you're not so sure. Was he pretending to me mean to Ami around other people to keep his reputation?

Stop overthinking.

Such a victim of it.

You felt your phone vibrate.


Why are you still awake?

aren't you also awake?

Go to bed.

pfft alright i'll see you tomorrow.

You got up to close the light and glanced out the window. Tsukishima was standing and looking at you through the window with that smirk of his sitting on his face.

You exaggeratedly mouthed 'Go away, goodnight.'

He waved and disappeared.


"Are you ready?" The tall blonde asked.

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