5: Why are you around me so much? (continued)

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(this is continuing from the last part. also i'm sorry, i'm in a writers block right now because i was disappointed from my work getting deleted again, but i will try my best with this!)

"Guys, my mom is here now." Azusa said as she closed her phone. "We'll see you tomorrow, Y/n."

You led them to the front door and waved them off. You turned around to see Tsukishima sitting on the stairs, tapping his foot impatiently.

Sighing, you squeezed past him and up the stairs. Peeking through your bedroom door, you examined the room to make sure he didn't touch anything. Near the foot of the bed were neatly stacked papers and a few pens. You assumed that was where Tsukishima made himself at home. You sat down near the spot and he sat down in his. He handed you a couple of papers.

"I finished it and made you a copy. You're welcome."

"Thanks." You said sarcastically as you took the papers, flipping through them.

You skimmed the act and tried to hold in a laugh. You couldn't imagine doing this in front of the class with this guy. Yeah, with another person it would be fine, maybe you'd even be willing to act for the class. It would just be awkward with Tsukishima. And of course it had to be a weird prompt. What is it you ask? Create and ending to Romeo and Juliet if they didn't die a tragic ending. Failing to stifle a laugh, you made a weird noise with your throat which caused his face to jut in your direction.

"What?" He asked. You could see the corners of his lips were slightly curved.

"It's-" you had a laughing fit.

"It's?" Tsukishima asked. He eyes looked unamused, but his mouth was still a bit upturned.

"...It's so bad oh my god....s." You wiped tears from your eyes and cupped your mouth.

"Pfft. My work? Bad?" He scoffed.

"That's not what I meant." You swallowed and flipped to a page. "Look, look..." You said playfully. " My dear-" You tried to pull it together, "-ear Juliet. "Thy sweet scent and feeling of thy soft hands hath brought our beating hearts together-"

"Yeah, and?"

"Oh come on! It's so.... sappy!" You smiled at him only to see a straight face looking back. "Wow, you have no emotion whatsoever."

You stood up, taking his wrist and leading him to the middle of the room. Once you reached the middle of the room he yanked his arm away, holding his wrist.

"Don't touch me idiot." He snarked.

"...Sorry..." You fumbled with the papers in your hand. "Let's just get through this." You sighed.

"Whatever..." He straightened his posture, towering over you even more. "Juliet, o Juliet. My dear Juliet, Thy sweet scent and feeling of thy soft hands hath brought our beating hearts togeth-"

You looked up at him, forcing a smile. You tried to find a hint of pitch in those words. But, nothing. It was so monotone and unenthusiastic, all you could do was look at him with disbelief.

"Uhhhh, maybe say it with more... emotion." You said the word slowly.

He clicked his tongue. "Don't disrupt me." He flicked your paper with his finger. "-let us runaway to distant lands."

"Romeo, my Romeo. Come, take, I, who thee call sweet, away."

There was a moment of silence. He moved the papers in front of him to peer at you. Jotting your eyes to the next line you suddenly felt your cheeks get hot.

"J-Juliet, promise you will never leave my side..." He looked away, covering his face with his hand, "...come and seal it with a kiss..."

You both stood there, speechless. They were words, it was an act, it isn't real. Yet, why do you feel so flustered. You felt your cheeks get hot and cupped one side with your open hand. Tsukishima walked past you to his bag, avoiding looking you in the face. He gathered up his things and left without saying a word.

You sank to your knees trying to figure out this weird feeling. Placing down the papers, you slapped both cheeks. Downstairs, you could hear the front door open and close.

Did he... feel that too?

Shaking the thought of the recent interaction, you turned your attention back to the fact that he left then and there.

"He didn't care to say anything?" You said to yourself. You groaned as you crawled over to your phone on the bed. You started reaching towards it.


Your arm stopped for a second and continued.

tsukishima (glasses guy)

my mom says to come over for dinner.

oh, ok. see you.

Great, that's going to be awkward...

authors note:
i' sorry about this chapter split again. i literally don't know what happened. i was so heartbroken when i found out that it deleted all my work. then i plummeted into a writers block so it was so hard to rewrite the ending of this chapter.

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