9: I'm Here, Don't Worry

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"Stay here tonight." He broke the hug as he wiped away your tears with the pads of his thumbs.

"I can't-"

"No, you're staying here tonight. That's what my mom would want anyway."

"...Where is your mom anyway?"

"She's visiting my grandma with Akiteru until the weekend so it's just me..."

"...If you feel uncomfortable I could ask Tanaka's sister to come over, or something..."

"No, not at all I just..." You looked at your feet, "Thank you Tsukki, I really appreciate it."

"Uh huh... well, do you want to go to your house and grab the things you need? Then we'll come back here."

You nodded.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

You stood in the shower as the warmth of the water calmed you senses. A flashback of what happened earlier played in your head. You immediately violently scrubbed your left wrist and shook your head. You turned off the shower and finished your nightly routine.

Tsukishima's POV

What happened to her today made me rage. I don't know what goes through someone's mind to assault a teenage girl.

I sat in Y/n's room as she took a shower. Her room isn't exactly what I imagined.

The first time I came over, I realized that maybe she had a pretty cool personality. I mean she listens to [Favorite Artist], plays instruments and has an interest in natural history.

I examined her room. She had her guitar hanging on the wall with a ukulele next to it. There was a keyboard next to her desk which had pens scattered all over.

I got up to examine her guitar, it suited her. I'd definitely think she'd have a guitar like this. I heard her come in the room and I turned my head.

"Do you want to try it out?" She asked with a little laugh.

Damn that smile.

"I can't do anything with it."

"Maybe I can teach you." She walked over to me and took the guitar down.

She sat on her bed and I sat beside her.

"I think you'd be good at guitar you have uhm, big hands."

I looked at her, confused.

"You can stretch across the frets and I bet you can do barre chords really easily."

She stood up and handed me the guitar.


"You look good with it haha. What song do you want to learn?"

"I don't know..."

"How about Creep? I played that earlier and it's kind of easy."

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