Extra #1: To Hold You

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Tsukishima gripped tightly onto your hand as you walked through the empty street leading up to your houses.

"Eh, Tsukki," You whispered, "Does this mean that you're my-" You hesitated.

"That I'm your boyfriend? Yeah, unless you're going to reject me right now even though I did some really sappy type shit right there."

You stopped walking as you reached the front gate of your house.

You smiled with your lips. "Alright." You muttered.

"'Alright?'" He questioned.

"What would I say to that? 'Ohmygosh! Wow guys! I'm dating the class jerk head now!" You said sarcastically.

He laughed as you opened the gate latch. He grabbed your hand before you could slip inside.

"Uh, come over when your done changing." He looked away. "If you want."

You nodded. "Sure."

He let go of your hand and you closed the gate behind you. Doing that little giddy stomp where you ball your fists, run in place and stifle a squeal.

Next Door
Third Person POV

"Woah little bro, you're in a good mood. How was it?" Akiteru asked his brother.

"It was fine." Tsukishima untied his shoes and placed them neatly against the wall.

"That smile says it's better than 'fine'" The eldest bugged his brother. "So?"

"So...? Look, whatever you're trying to do, stop." He placed his hands on his knees and stood up. "I'm going to go change."


Tsukishima groaned and slowly made his way up the steps. Closing himself in his room he smiled to himself. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he opened his camera roll.


"Wait hold on-" Y/n pulled Tsukishima into a light source. "I need a picture for my mom. Get in."

The girl opened the camera on her phone and tried to take a selfie.

"Uhm, do you mind coming down a little?" She asked and he scoffed, making himself shorter. "Thanks..." Y/n smiled at the picture.

"Send that to me."

End of Flashback

Setting the picture as his lock screen, he sighed and lied down on his bed, trying to stretch out but being restricted by the tight fabric of the suit.

He heard soft knocking on his door and said aloud "Come in."

A girl came in, [hair color] hair sprawling out from beneath a grey hoodie, glistening with snowflakes. She closed the door behind her.

Y/n removed her hoodie and shook out her hair.

"You're not changed yet?" She quirked a brow.

Tsukishima stared at the girl before sitting up. "I was doing something..."

He got up to take clothes from his closet, unbuttoning his shirt as he did.

Hey Lover, You Don't Have to be a Star, You Can be the MoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora