After practice we go to get dinner together, all of us eating like hungry lions especially after our practice. Knowing we'd be doing this way more in the next month made me throw my head back.

"whats up" Nick asks seeing me look a little stressed out "nothing just the though of us doing this for the next month and more stuff" I shrug "its fine we can do it" Nick encourages as he pecks my cheek.

"stop with the PDA, please" Kevin shudders in 'disgust' "shut up mr. divorce cowboy" Nick jokes. The guys and I keep joking Kevin about being divorced since he was the eldest and didn't have a girlfriend.

"ha ha very funny" Kevin rolls his eyes "gotta admit it is funny" AJ joins in "mhm definitely " Kevin replies with no emotion as he continues to eat.

"Hey ke-" I go to ask Kevin something to start a random conversation when my phone starts ringing "holdup" I take my phone and go to answer the call "hey this is sage, how can I help?" I answer.

"who the fuck answers their phone like that" Brian blurts out making me shove my index finger on his mouth to shut him up, Brian doesn't say anything and instead just slaps my hand away.

"exactly" the voice on the phone responds referring to what Brian said as they laugh "KJ! wassup" I exclaim 

"KJ?" AJ raises a brow I just ignore him and excuse myself from the table to avoid disrupting the guys conversations.

"Sorry wait.." I pause and go out the restaurant since it was quite loud inside "alright hey again, oh actually why are you in Florida?" I question. Again, we lived in the same state which was in New York, which is why I was surprised he was here, he was 17 so supposedly he still had school.

"Oh I dropped out of school and moved here" He replies nonchalantly "im- what?! And my brother didn't tell me" I gawked as my mouth opened in surprise.

"yea I was invited for an acting career whatever here so you know" KJ responds, I can hear the smile in his voice "WHAT THE FUCK OH MY GOD THATS AMAZING!" I exclaim proud of him, KJ was like a brother to me it was amazing he got to start acting, he was incredibly good at it too.

"Yea, its a series called Gilmore girls" KJ says "Holy shit thats amazing.. I'm so happy for you!" I congratulated "thanks sage, means a lot. What about you how's pop star life treating ya' huh?" He asks.

"its great I mean I'm releasing an album soon, on march possibly and uh I'm living with the Backstreet Boys kinda huge in Europe" I grinned "I hear you grinning, whats up with these backstreet guys? I've heard of em in the radio, the nick guy that everyone loves, what you pulled him or something?" KJ jokes.

I stay quiet "no way..." He whisper yells "yea were together, my brother didn't tell you?" I laughed "no, why am I always left out in the family" KJ whines. We were all close he was a brother to me honestly his family and ours were extremely close and when they heard about my singing career they threw this huge party thing it was so funny.

"I don't know KJ maybe because you tell everything and anything to everyone and anyone" I shrug "ok I was drunk!" KJ defends "right.. you were drunk at 15 quite irresponsible, no?" I giggle "yea well its not my fault, your brother said it was water" KJ argued.

"Yea, it was incredibly funny you lost your pants and you started singing on the tables" I laughed at the memory "yea yea whatever" KJ responds.

November 30 1995 Orlando, Florida

"Who is KJ?" AJ asks "her friend, childhood friend was it I don't know" I shrug as I watch sage outside the restaurant laughing, I wouldn't admit it out loud but I was jealous.

Although even if I didn't admit it out loud the guys probably figured out already "someones jealous" Brian raises his eyebrows up and down making the guys laugh and me just cross my arms "whatever" I mutter.

"look if she says they're childhood friends, they are childhood friends there's no reason to be jealous or not trust her" Kevin reassures "yea but she looks like she's having more fun with him than she is with me" I exclaim "I mean look at her" I point at her laughing outside.

The boys all turnt heir heads to where I pointed making me giggle a little "Nick, may I remind you, that you are with her 24/7 and you are always clinging onto her" Howie reminds.

"so?" I frown "so, there's a reason she's with you and not ... mr Krabby jones" Howie shrugs "krabby jones? what the fuck is a crabby jones" I mumble "you either take it or leave it" Howie says "fine whatever" I sigh.

"look man its sage she's not gonna do anything" Brian nudges "I guess so.." I trail off "hello again!" Sage greets "hey" We all respond.

"sooo I asked Lou and stuff if we could have December 4 as a free day he said sure since he's got a meeting on that day anyways, so if you guys want we could go hangout with KJ I think you guys would get along well" Sage suggests.

"sure" they all respond, I just stay quiet, now everyone was looking at me waiting for an answer "fine" 

"YAY!" Sage jumps up and down in her seat, she was adorable how could I say no.

After dinner we go home and rest knowing the next month would be busy as fuck.

── ⌗ end chapter *ೃ༄

a/n: opinions on KJ?

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