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July 10, 1995 London, England

It was getting late it around 9 pm already, and nick hasn't come back yet I was starting to get worried, I hated that we fought over something not even too important. Maybe I was in the wrong, but I wouldn't know because I was obviously biased to my opinion.

I went over to kevin's and Brian's and knocked on their door to ask of Nicks whereabouts "Oh hey sage, are you ok? We heard shouting a while ago and Brian just came in pissed although he also did say you and nick were together anyways I didn't really wanna push Brians buttons so I didn't ask what the fight was about" Kevin says

"yea I'm fine just a little misunderstanding, do you know where nick is he hasn't come back yet" I ask worried. "no we haven't seen him he hasn't come by, the last we- well Brian saw him was going down the stairs but he hasn't come back since"

"Ok well can you tell me if he passes by, im worried about him" I bite the skin around my nail "Of course, he'll be fine dont worry" Kevin reassures.

"thank you" I thank Kevin "no problem, wanna talk about the fight?" Kevin asks "no I just want to be alone for a while" I give a slight smile.

"ok, if you have a problem or want talk im just here" Kevin smiles "thank you" I give a sad smile and go back to my room.

July 10, 1995 London, England

"who was it?" brian asks as I come back from closing the door "sage" I sigh "oh, what did she want?" Brian raises an eyebrow.

"Asking where nick was and stuff apparently he hasn't come back yet" I spoke, Brian's eyes widen a little "he hasn't come back yet???" He questions.

"Yea why" I ask "he said something about cheating a while ago, now I don't wanna assume the worst but-" I cut Brian off.

"Do you really think nick would do that come on b-rok, he's mature enough to know he shouldn't be doing that" I say, but still worried that might be why he's so late.

"I know but.. I just don't want sage- no either of them to get hurt" Brian says "they wont, I hope" I sigh.

Brian goes to check in the peephole for a while to see if nick passes by since you need to pass by our room to get to nick and sage's room, brian stays there for about 2 minutes.

"There nicks there" Brian goes to open the door and pulls nick by his sleeve, roughly pulling him into our room.

Nick shouts in surprise and tries to run out the door "its just me and Kevin" brian says making nick shout even louder.

"Hello I just said it's me and Kevin" Brian says "I KNOW THATS EVEN SCARIER I PROMISE I DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO SAGE!" Nick exclaims making me hold in a laugh.

It was hilarious that he was more scared it was us than if it would be fans or possibly a kidnapper.

"Where did you go? Sage was worried sick about you, she passed by just 10 minutes ago" I sternly ask

"I was just- out and about in the city" nick whimpers "come on stop acting like me and brian are kidnappers" I roll my eyes.

"You quite literally just kidnapped me, I was walking and suddenly I was pulled into a room, I'd call that kidnapping and I can't even get out because-" nick pauses and looks at the door entrance which was blocked by Brian.

"Yea but you know us so thats technically not kidnapping" Brian says "yea but you guys are scary" he replies "where did you go in the city" I interrogate.

"In the mall and went to collect my thoughts for a while, while I walked around.." nick trails off "you're lying, what did you do" I ask

"I got stuff for sage because I felt bad- OH NO THE STUFF FOR SAGE WHERE IS IT" nick panics "where do you remember you had it last?" I ask "in- outside, and I think I dropped it when Brian here, had to pull me inside the room" nick frowns at Brian.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒; nick carterWhere stories live. Discover now