Chapter 8: Fair Play

Start from the beginning

     Emile's POV

     (Warning for bullying, threats, and mentions of Animal Cruelty)

     Logan was tapping his pencil anxiously against his desk, staring at the door and ignoring the guys whispering things behind him. "Logan, is everything alright?" His mother eventually asked him. "Yes, I'm just a little worried. The new students haven't arrived yet." Logan explained. "You mean the Villain kids?" Jaxon, Cinderella's son, jeered from behind Logan. "Jaxon, could you focus on your work please?" The Fairy God Mother asked him. He rolled his eyes, but listened.

"If you like," Logan's mother began before turning to face him again. "You could check on them. I heard from Patton that Remy and Virgil have taken the day off due to a lack of sleep, but I'm not sure about-" She began, interrupted when Remus ran into the room. He was out of breath, and gave Logan's mother an apologetic look.

"Sorry I'm late, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and slept through the bell." Remus explained as Janus walked in behind him. "It's alright Remus. I understand this is a new place and it will take awhile to get adjusted. Take a seat, I'll get the booklets I prepared for you and the others." Logan's mother assured him before leaving. Logan turned his focus to his work, and I could see a look of relief in his face as Remus and Janus sat down between us.

     Janus and Remus looked around, they seemed confused by the classroom setting. I wonder if they've ever been to school before, and, if they have, what school was like there. "So we just sit here and do paper work?" I heard Remus whisper to Logan. He wasn't exactly being quiet, it was more of a theatre whisper. "Usually, yes. Sometimes, however, we'll have projects, which you'll likely find more enjoyable than the regular work. I'll help you as much as I can." Logan replied quietly.

     Remus nodded and thanked Logan as Jaxon and his friends whispered to each other and snickered behind them. Jaxon ripped out a piece of paper from his work book, crumpled it up, and threw it at the back of Logan's head. Here we go again. I thought. I wished I could do something for Logan, but I'd probably only make it worse if I told his mother what was happening.

     Logan ignored it, as usual, but Remus looked back and glared at Jaxon. "Hey, what gives?" Remus demanded. "It's fine, Remus. This happens every day. It's just best to ignore it." Logan assured him. "Yeah, don't worry about it. We're just playing a game." Jaxon assured him, he and his friends snickering as he put his feet up on his desk and tore out another paper. He threw it at Logan's head, but Remus caught it this time. He had an odd grin on his face, like he was smiling but his eyes were angry.

     "Oh! A game! Well, then, that changes things!" Remus cheered in a passive aggressive tone. I watched carefully, ready to interfere if things got out of hand. "If it's a game, mind if I join? Seems unfair if only one person's enjoying it." Remus decided, throwing the ball back at Jaxon. "Ow!" Jaxon shouted, covering his face as his friends laughed. "Remus," Logan warned, tapping his pencil against the desk again. "You'll pay for that, freak!" Jaxon threatened.

     Janus, who had also been quietly observing during all this, suddenly stood up, glaring down at Jaxon. "Call him that again, and I'll disfigure your face so your own mother doesn't recognize it." Janus hissed. "Oh dear..." Logan sighed. "Do you know who I am? My parents are Queen Cinderella and King Charming. They can send you right back to where Villain Kids like you belong." Jaxon threatened. He was honestly just a child throwing a tantrum.

     Remus began cackling, causing both Logan and I to watch, concerned for what might happen. "Gosh, Jannie, look how smart he is!" Remus gasped in a patronizing tone. "Yes, that's right I am a villain's kid. Look how smart you are." He cooed playfully, still maintaining that grin. "And Cinderella's kid too, wow. You know, it's kinda funny. My Mom skins puppies and your mom befriends mice, yet yours is the one that raised a complete jackass." Remus taunted, causing Jaxon's friends to gasp and laugh like that was the funniest thing they ever heard. Jaxon backed down, slouching in his seat.

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