Chapter 1: A Chance

Start from the beginning

"I know that." I argued, keeping my voice calm. "However, as King, I want to try and make things as fair for my citizens as possible. The children of the Isle are still my citizens. Therefore, I have invited four children from the Isle to serve as a test for my program. They're also the most likely to be my brother. They're all seventeen and turning eighteen this year." I concluded.

My father took a moment to mull this over, then nodded. "Alright... fine. I'll allow this. However, I do wish to know who's children you will be inviting." My father decided, causing my shoulders to stiffen again.

"Well... There's Remus, the son of Cruella." I began. "Alright." My father permitted, his tone careful and hesitant. "Janus, the son of Jafar." I continued. "Hmm..." Father hummed, debating with himself. "Adam." My mother prompted gently. "Very well." My father sighed, giving in to my mother's stern expression. "Remy, the son of the Evil Queen." I went on, bracing myself as my father's tension grew. Even my mother's expression grew uncertain at this one. "I'll have to warn Snow." She whispered.

My father nodded in agreement. "I promise you, every child I've chosen I believe has the ability to change for the better. I didn't only choose them out of possibility one may be Ronald." I assured them. "Fine, then... and who is the last one?" My father caved, dread filling his breath as he waited for my answer. I could feel the dread myself as I forced out my final choice.

"Virgil, the son of Maleficent." I said with my eyes shutting themselves tight. My father's voice growled, I could hear the throne falling behind him as he stood up. "Maleficent!?!" He roared. "But she's the most evil of them all!" He declared, eyes glowing as I opened my own to face him. "Adam!" My mother snapped.

I jumped back, and fought the terrible urge to give up. To simply ask for another search of the Isle. I needed to do this. This was too important to let go of just because I didn't wish to fight with my parents.

"Belle, he's asking us to-" My father began. "You wanted him to be King at eighteen so badly out of tradition. The only reason I'm letting you do that is because it would be far better to let him go through with something like this under our supervision than for him to wait until we're dead and he can do it on his own." My mother reasoned.

"Besides, if this means we can get Ronald home, whatever his name may be now, isn't it worth that risk? If it means we can save him and three others from becoming as cruel as the people that raised them, isn't it worth it?" I added, hoping I wasn't pushing my father's patience. My father grunted. He picked his throne back up, and sat back down in it. The room was silent as he rubbed his face and ran a hand over his beard. Once he was calm, he leaned forward and stared back at me. His arms rested on his knees, and his eyes studied me. He seemed cautious, but more considerate than he was before.

"Are you sure you'll be able to handle that responsibility while also keeping up your studies and preparing for the coronation?" He questioned. "I'll have you both and my friends to help me, won't I?" I pointed out. It took a moment, but he nodded. "Of course dear, we're just worried that's all. This is a lot of pressure on you, and you do have a habit of burning yourself out." My mother explained. "I'll manage. I have you, my friends, and... Coraline to help me." I assured them. Though I probably wouldn't be getting her involved in this. She would probably just confirm any assumptions the Isle kids had about Auradon, and make them feel unwelcome. She could, however, help me a little with the coronation preparations.

"Very well then." My father began, shaking his head. He seemed determined he'd regret what he was going to say next. "You have my permission. When will they get here?" He decided. "If they accept my invitation, they should be here in a couple of hours. I should head back to the school and get my friends ready to welcome them." I told him. "Hmph... Fine." Adam huffed. "Good luck, dear." Mother said as I began to take my leave. "Thanks Mom." I replied before closing the door behind me.

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