Chapter 39: Vows

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"Babe? What's wrong"? His gravelly voice was nearly a growl as just barely lifted his head from his pillow. I could see the hint of worry in his frown. His concern radiated towards me, which made me feel even more pitiful than before.

"Nothing! That bed is super soft and nice but...". 

 His brows furrowed even further as his eyes focused on me, bouncing around my frame as he struggled to understand. "I—I have a really hard time sleeping without you", I admitted ruefully. 

His features softened instantly; A tired but adoring grin draped across his lips as he released a breath with one little chuckle. His head sunk back into the pillow as he nestled back into his previous position with a course whisper. "Com'ere".

I sighed in relief and darted few steps closer to him before dropping to all fours to crawl the rest of the way. He chuckled again as I snuggled up against his temple and nose. My heart relaxed as sleep welcomed me quickly.


Somewhere in the darkness I had registered the lack of warmth and flipped onto my back. The darkness faded into a peaceful grey as I was beckoned from the deepest realms of slumber by the caress of warm breath and large satin lips mouthing the softest whisper against my skin, "I love you".

The lingering ghost of the most tender kiss made my stomach flutter as I breathed the morning in deeply. I slowly blinked my eyes open with a soft smile, only to glance around and find that Owen was already gone. I flipped around to see the clock. 10:02 am. Owen had been long gone.

I sat up slowly, yawing loudly, before I made my way the my closet and the Fae sized bath. And I bathed thoroughly, using my floral oils.

I hate to admit it, but the rest of the day was a blur. I was constantly checking on Meeks, who was out with the boys arranging the flowers I had grown and setting up the dining area. My mom brought my dress and kept me company majority of the day. I knew this what my mother and I had planned, but I could tell it was much needed reprieve, for her, from all the large beings.

Finally, I heard Rob and Owen shuffling about the adjacent room, our old room, to get dressed. And I knew it was time for me to do so as well.

I slipped the dress over my head, and sat down on a chair in front of the mirrored wall before my mother proceeded to work on my hair. Manipulating warm wind around her fingers, she made my naturally wavy hair curl and shine elegantly. Her hair was pulled into an intricate braid laced with spider silk, and she wore a silk pastel pink empirically waisted gown.  

I had been silent, but when my mother's eyes met mine through the reflection, she gave me a knowing grin. "I used to be nervous getting ready for courting excursions with your father".

"I'm not nervous", I whispered defensively. "I'm... ....".

 I didn't know what I was. I didn't want to ruin this ceremony with my lack of knowing about the tradition. And for some reason, I felt like everything was going too well. I paused in thought, as my mother paused her work on my hair placing her hands on my shoulders.

Our silence was filled with the laughter and the deep muffled conversations from the men next door.

"Do you ever feel like everything is going too well? I feel like I'm expecting for something to inevitably hinder it all".

Though I felt she could read my fear accurately, her brow rose with gentle question. "It all"?

"My happiness. This perfection. Having nearly everyone I love here to partake in this charming human tradition".

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