Chapter 12: 6 months

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It had been 6 months since I had met Owen. I spent nearly every day with him, except for the days a human named Rob would show up. He was as inconvenient as snow. However, the worst part about winter, in my opinion, was Owens closed window. Snow and ice blanketed the ground except for the walkway around Owens house due to some type of special salt. I pounded on his bedroom window with 2 palms... nothing.

"Oh for the Love of Fae", I cursed dropping down to the kitchen window above his sink to see that he was sitting on the 'couch'.

I pounded with two palms again, "OWEN"!

His posture perked and he turned to see me glowing yellow outside the window. He quickly got up and opened the door as I flew around to go inside.

"Morning", he greeted with a soft smile and shut the door before following me to the kitchen.

"I hate winter" I grumbled landing on the counter, shaking off my golden glow that kept me warm in the freezing weather.

He chuckled, "Do you want some tea? I bought some of that lavender stuff you said wanted to try."

"Ye-ah", I giggled with a shake of my shoulders, my mood bright again at the mention of something new. He pressed a button on a metal canteen that heated up the water. He called it a "kettle".... They were very... different from fae kettles.

"Are you going to the bar today"? I asked knowing his answer, but by now he already knew the question I was really asking.

"Yes, you can come", he said turning back towards me with a smirk as he opened a box, "just please stay out of sight"?

"No, you know what I'd actually prefer the attention", I said sarcastically with a hand on my hip, trying to be serious.

He chuckled, "I'm just saying.. it wouldn't be good for business if I had to punch someone for trying to take you". He turned around and looked at me as he leaned back against his 'stove'.

I snorted, "Take"?  He made it sound like I was one of his bar cups.

"You know what I mean", he mused.

"You know I can take care of myself, right"?

He nodded as a skeptical smile grew on his face before he turned back around to the bubbling water.

"OWEN"! I laughed, "I am stronger than you think I am".

"I believe you are", he said pouring hot water into a human sized cup. Though his back was facing me, I could tell he was still smiling as he said that.

I crossed my arms and peered at him silently. He turned around while dunking a sack with a string attached, up and down in the hot water. When he saw my annoyed expression, he blurted out a small laugh and spilled boiling water onto his hand.

"Ah", He hissed, quickly setting the cup down next to the sink, and shook his hand to rid the hot tea that spilled over his hand.

"Serves you right", I said with a laugh as I flew over to the edge of the basin to see him run his hand under cold water, "Here. Let me see it".

He looked at me hesitantly, with a raised brow. "Come on", I demanded gesturing him to bring his hand to me.

He dried off his hands with a cloth and stretched his fingers out on the counter next to where I stood. Owen had seen me preform some magic here and there, but this was going to be a knew one for him. I knelt down beside his hand and leaned over his fingers. I could feel his curious eyes staring at me as my hand began to glow. 

I lowered my hand down, "OW"! Owen said loudly and I jumped swinging my face up to his with worry, before seeing him playfully chuckle.

"Ha, ha," I rolled my eyes and turned back towards his hand, "You're hysterical".

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