Chapter 30: Rob

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I woke up on my stomach with a yon. I blinked my eyes open and looked around sleepily to see Owen hadn't moved me from his chest, nor had he moved all night. I smiled seeing the bottom of his lax jaw turned to the side and tried to move, but couldn't. I was pinned. Worried, I quickly looked behind me to see Owens hand was blanketing my legs. The worry dropped from my face and was replaced with a smile as I pushed on his thumb and index finger to slip my legs out from under him. Which actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I crawled to the side of his torso and slid down his side landing on his arm and then did the same down to the sheet. He stirred a bit at my movement but didn't wake.

I glanced back at him conjuring my wings and paused.

Why didn't I just conjur my wings on him? I giggled at myself and flew downstairs. I must spend too much time human-sized.

I started the coffee and pulled out a heavy Owen-cup before gently flying it down to the counter. Though, I set it down with a louder clank then I wanted. I watched the first few droplets of hot coffee drip down into the pot and was startled out of my trance when fingers wrapped around me tenderly. I spun around with a small whimper and looked up so see Owen laughing silently.

"Owen"! I yelled before laughing, "You scared me"!

"I'm sorry" he said lightly before his fingers closed around me lifting me from the counter. He pulled me too his abdomen and my mind whirled as he turned quickly back to the stairs.

"Owen! What are you doing"? I said loudly as he walked up the stairs. He chuckled, which shook me, and I punched him in the stomach.

"Sweetheart, this would be easier if you used your necklace".

My eyes widened and I craned my neck up to see him looking down at me with playful grin. "Wha-at"! I huffed out in laughter as he walked into the room. He pulled me away from his stomach and laid down before setting me down under his face.

"Are you serious"? I belted out a laugh and laid back as he kissed my torso gently. He pulled away and gave me an amatory smirk.

"Very", He said gently running his index down my body. I rolled my eyes, and saw him back away as he watched me twist the enchanted chain around my finger.


Autumn seemed to have come quickly. The leaves were turning a lovely assortment of different colors as the air grew crisp and colder with every passing day. During a normal night at the bar with Owen, Rob had inquired about our "thanksgiving plans".

Owen explained the holiday in detail when we had gotten home later that night. I couldn't help but want to experience it like I had Christmas, which Owen loved. Why? I wasn't exactly sure, so I asked. His absolutely charming response was: 

"I guess I just love how new it is for you. And you get so excited about it; It's adorable. And the holidays had become such a hard  time for me, it's like you have brought life and spirit back to it. I haven't felt this excited over something annual since I was a child". 

The day of 'Thanksgiving' was only about 3 weeks away, when he mentioned that Mark and Meeks should join us for it. I couldn't agree fast enough when he mentioned that, especially because I knew it would take an abhorrent amount of coaxing to get my family to the Otherworld for any such human celebration.

During a daily visit with Shae, she mentioned that my mother sent me a message 'to keep an eye out for a letter'. I had checked that day, but nothing was in the portal that had originally brought me to Avalon. I had planned to check the following morning while Owen went about his morning routine, but rain had delayed my plans. I went later at high noon and sure enough, a waterproof-sealed letter was bobbing up and down in the swirling pool.

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