Chapter 21: Heaven

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Is this the 'Heaven' that Owen spoke of, I thought to myself as I wandered around the bright white space that had a comforting white mist which seemed to lull the brightness to a comfortable level.

"Hello"? I said loudly, though my voice wasn't loud. I was walking around, but... I couldn't feel my body. I walked through the mist, and a stone bench caught my eye. I recognized it. It looked identical to the one at Owen's, but this one looked... smaller... cleaner.. whiter?

I walked over to it and sat down, and felt like I was there for some time. Am I waiting for something? I sighed and started to kick my feet deciding that patience was the best option.

"Hello Little Aos Sí". I turned to see Myrdlin walking towards me in through the mist. I smiled brightly scooting down the bench for him to sit next to me and noticed it was the first time I had ever seen him the same size as me.

"Dagda! You're here"!

"I am". His gentle smile was a kind as I remembered, "Were you waiting for me"?

"I was waiting, yes, but I wasn't sure what I was waiting for".

He nodded, "Ri-ae-ya, my young shining star", he said softly as I looked up to him with a glowing smile, "I am very proud of your judgements".

I looked at him with confusion as he continued, "You had the opportunity, and validity of reason, to end the D'rochuid's life.... And your verdict was mercy".

I looked down. For some reason, I felt disheartened, and sad. "Dagda," I sighed, "I am thankful, for your teachings and wisdom", he looked at me with soft pride, "I was blessed to have everything I had, and to have had such exciting experiences..... and I am ashamed to admit, that.." I gulped, "I'm actually so disappointed". 

I looked up at him with searching eyes hoping my wise teacher could give some guidance.

"The power you channeled" he looked down thoughtfully, "Very few mystics are able to guide it as you have done, and even fewer remain uncorrupted with its supremacy".

My eyes studied him, as I tried to make sense of my new situation.

"I taught you how to channel celestial power in case of dire emergencies. I gave you that blessed chain, and asked that you guard its power and told you to only use it if need be for a deadly crisis".

"Dagda, I'm sorry, I felt it was dire—", He held up a hand to stop me.

"My young novice, you have exceeded my expectations for you". My eyes widened, curious to hear why he believes that.

"You had many occasions to use that chain, and chose to find a different solution. You also had many occasions to channel the celestial power but chose a different path. When touched with celestial supremacy, you remained uncorrupted. And, my apprentice, you chose to let all of it go to save the life of another".

"I had a good teacher". I grinned with a shrug. 

"Not many Mystics are blessed with the ability to channel such Celestial power. You little Fae are consecrated to keep it".

"WHAT"? I did a double take, "Keep it"? I asked confused.

He nodded in reply.

"But Dagda, I-I have no use for it here", I shook my head and rolled my eyes aghast with the thought of wasting such magic.

He looked around, "This is a mind-soothing illusion my dear. Your body is resting in D'nasaffaraon".

"I'M ALIVE"? I shouted, shooting up from the bench.

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