Chapter 26: Intertwining Worlds

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I sat up quickly as I was jerked into consciousness by swift movement beneath me. My eyes were drawn to the contorted features of my human's face. He was breathing rapidly as his head swung back and forth, his body twitching unnervingly.

I could feel fear and pain radiating off him in waves. Again? I questioned internally, as my sleepily muffled name past his lips. I noticed small beads of sweat on his forehead glistening in the morning light as he grumbled another word that sounded like "No". I conjured my wings and floated closer, hoping I could wake him.

"Owen? Owen.. wake up", I said softly, attempting to sooth him into consciousness.

I bolted backwards as his body flipped towards me with a jolt. The wind at my feet telling me his arm had nearly hit me. I quickly landed on the nightstand with my hand covering my racing heart. The rapid movement of his body was enough to jostle him into awareness. He lifted his arm and jumped up, his eyes searching the bed swiftly, before looking towards the nightstand.

He exhaled harshly in relief before dragging his hands down his face. His posture relaxed as his gaze settled on me again. "I didn't hurt you, Did I"?

"No", I shook my head and hesitantly drifted into the air, closer to him.

He sighed again looking down to his blanketed lap as he braced his palms next to him. He closed his eyes, attempting to breath steadily.

"That's the second time this month", I pried gently, "What happened"?

"Just a nightmare", he chuckled out. At first glance, I thought it was sweat, but then I quickly realized it was a tear rolling down his cheek.

I hovered in front of his face, and waited patiently for him to look up at me. I knew his sweat dampened forehead could feel the breeze of my wings, but his eyes remained intently focused on his lap.

I quickly landed on his leg close to his knee, my wings sagging behind me as I craned my neck up. His apologetic gaze no longer avoided mine when I struggled to keep my balance as I walked a few inches up his thigh.

My arms flailed a bit as I was more concerned with him than my balance. His hand came to my aid instantly, and I held onto the side of his finger as my eyes pleaded with him for explanation.

He exhaled, "The falls, except... you didn't survive".

"O-h", I said breathily and gripped the flesh of his finger tighter.

His features softened into an almost grin, "I'm okay, really. It's just a nightmare. I'm sorry if I scared you, are you sure you're not hurt"? He lifted the finger my hand was gripping, extending my arm out as his eyes scanned me for any signs of harm. My gaze still glued to his eyes. 

He breathed out in contentment with my obvious lack of injury, before falling onto back onto the bed. My wings caught me as I lost my balance from his movement, and I drifted into air a foot above the arm that he had draped across his eyes.

"Are you going back to sleep"? I asked and glanced at the clock; 6:23.

"I don't think so", he said with exhaustion.

"Do you want me to start your coffee"? I said temptfully with a lighthearted cadence.

He peeked at me out from under his arm with a grin. "Not yet. Just lay with me for a bit"?

I nodded and descended towards the pillow neighboring his as he turned over onto his side. I adjusted my dress and my wings faded as I plopped down facing the sparkling brown eyes. After a moment of just looking at each other, I broke the silence.

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