Chapter 24: Sweetheart

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I rolled over to see Owen still fast asleep on his side facing me, one hand cradling his head. I stared at him in contemplation of still fresh mating vow. It had been over a week since we first mated, but I was still in disbelief that it happened. He'd been laughing at me the past week every time I mentioned how it happened so quickly. And every time I mentioned it, he reminded me that we have known each other over a year.

Still, for a Fae that was a decision hastily made. Only Shae and Meeks knew about us, but I assume Meeks had mentioned it to Mark at least once. For the past week I spent days with Shae when I wasn't accompanying Owen at the bar, and I stayed with Owen at night.

I sat up and shifted my body crossing my legs. My eyes ran down his lax face soaking up the peace that emanated off of him, trying to use it to ease my mind of the worry. In my travels I had met many halflings, but never had I questioned how their parents made it work. We would have to talk about children one day, but that wasn't my first concern today. Telling my parents about my decision to mate with him was, and how would my brother react?

Very little knowledge was known about these unthinkable relationships. Many questions crossed my mind about the world he and I were creating. I wasn't sure if he fully understood that is what we were doing; creating our own world between yet still apart from both his world and mine. Though my mind weaved with these complexities, I would never wish to change it and I definitely don't regret it.

My mind filled with thoughts about how his reaction would be when I told him about D'nasaffaraon and my power. When Meeks and I had returned after receiving an official summons before Owen and I had been mated, I was charged with becoming a guardian of that world and its denizens. An honor I never thought I would be blessed with.

And I knew I needed to tell my Owen as well as my parents, as I promised them I would if I could. I also knew that, my mother needed to know about my new mate sooner rather than later; putting it off would only cause a rift between us.

I stood up and crossed the mattress to Owens relaxed upturned palm that lay between his face and I. I placed a hand atop his and smiled gently. Surprisingly, his breathing changed and he stirred slowly, groggily blinking his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I said retracting my hand, "I didn't mean to wake you".

He took a deep breath that was near a yawn, and spoke softly with a raspy tired voice, "Are you okay, did I hurt you"?

"I'm fine, go back to sleep". I said with a smile. But he slowly turned around and glanced at the time before laying his head down, resting his gaze on me.

He cleared his throat and rubbed his face, "Why are you up so early"? His expression was soft and thoughtful as he slowly slid his hand back in front of me barely brushing against my shins with his pinky before his hand flipped.

"My mind was racing", I said resting to hands atop the side of his index finger. He released a tired chuckle.

"When is it not", he said playfully, "what questions are concerning you now"?

I shrugged and climbed over his hand to sit in his palm that opened accordingly, "there was much we didn't discuss before mating—sorry—before we 'married'". I corrected my terminology thoughtfully. Though at this point I think, he had grown accustomed to the term. 

"Alright" he groaned and stretched trying to keep the palm beneath me still, "start the coffee, and I'll be down in a sec".

I conjured my wings that lifted me into the air as I floated downstairs. As I started the pot, I could here him trudge into the bathroom, and shortly after, walk down the stairs. I stood on the counter staring at the pot, and turned toward him as he entered the kitchen and proceeded to pull a cup from the cabinet.

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