Chapter 15: Too Small

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"SHAE WE HAVE A PROBLEM"! I landed in my room, and immediately started pacing.

Shae creaked at me.

"No Christmas was fantastic"! I spoke speedily, "This Santa-guy brought me these oddly accurate gifts and—NO! NO! THAT'S NOT WHAT NEEDS OUR ATTENTION"! I shouted with nervous and loud hand gestures.

Shae creaked nervously, asking about the dance.

"YES! The dance was perfect—" I paced angrily, "he loved it—I  loved it—I loved it too much, Shae! TOO MUCH—Shae, I think we had a moment—it may only have been one-sided—but it was definitely a moment—Shae I'm in trouble— wha—"

—A vigorous loud shake from Shae interrupted me, stopping my frantic ramble and my pacing. I stood there taking a deep breath as instructed by my willow.

"Oh Shae", I whimpered out, plopping onto my bed, "I don't know how he did it, but he did", I started crying, "I don't know how, but I think I'm in love with Owen".

My feet stomped the moss with angry anxiety as I covered my face with my hands falling back onto my bed. "I don't know how he did it", my words were muffled by my hands, "My heart has been carefully guarded for centuries, Shae. But he did it. And it should be impossible", I grumbled stomping my feet awkwardly from my position.

Shae creaked quietly.

I wiped away some frustrated tears and I dropped my hands to my bed. "Shae, the dance was amazing. And the way he looked at me...UGH"! I continued to cry, "I could barely keep it together this morning! I rushed here and told him I had to tell you about everything I got, but I really needed to cry and-and-and, SHA-HAE-HAE", I blubbered out and started to sob.

Shae vibrated softly trying to console me, and began to creak. I hyperventilated whilst trying to listen. Shae creaked and moaned softly.

"Well, maybe your right," I said pathetically, sitting up from my bed, "and maybe it is normal, but Shae these feeling can't  happen", my crying continued as I explained, "Yes, I know it's possible Shae, but do you know how rare that is? My heart opened up only to get broken—I'm already heartbroken. I'm so furious with myself"!

Shae vibrated.

I wiped tears from my eyes, "What if I lose his friendship because of this, Shae"?

Shae creaked and moaned, telling me that I should keep it to myself if that's the case. Or drop hints to him, and see if he pursues any opening.

I sniffled and annoyingly peered around, "Sounds easy enough IF I ALREADY KNEW HOW TO DO THAT"!

Shae creaked again.

"Oh, don't give me false hope, Shae. Do you know how many Fae-Human Haflings I know"? I waited for a response, but Shae was silent.

"Three, Shae. Three! And, their all over 900 years old, AND TWO ARE OF THEM ARE SIBLINGS"!

Shae creaked at me, correctly assuming 900 is indeed very old for haflings especially when they are from Earth. Shae creaked again asking the most absurd question.

"Why do I think he doesn't feel the same? Really Shae, you're the smartest tree I've ever met..".

Shae creaked again.

I shot up from my bed and continued pacing as my tears subsided, "Shae, I am the size of his finger! Now, I know he cares about me. But come on, we both know that he won't feel anything more than friendship".

Shae creaked and moaned asking me in depth about the dance.

"There", I sighed, "There was this moment, when he dipped me... Where I legitimately felt like time stopped", I gulped trying to grow courageous enough to explain this verbally, "We looked into each other's eyes....". The feelings fluttered through my heart again, and I grew nauseous as I normally did when presented with deep feelings. "and.. AND WE HAD A MOMENT! I don't know what else to tell you"!

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