Chapter 34: Tripped into the Past

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"No way", I said breathily as I spun around finding the need to double check my surroundings. Shae was still smaller, the greenery still younger. And the air, still warmer.

The excited smile steadily growing on my lips before my attention was drawn to the frantic bird songs that filled my ears. I dashed over to the safety of the canopies out of habit, landing on a high branch of one of the pines a few yards from the house, as my eyes searched the skies for what had made the birds so nervous.

No predators, I observed. But quickly came to the realization that it was I who had startled them so. I chuckled at myself with the realization as my eyes turned towards the house.

"Owen you'll never guess—", I stilled. My heart, about to plummet to my toes.

"Owen, can you hear me"?  I waited. Nothing.

My excitement shifted into something more uneasy, and I began to feel exposed. Why is it warmer here? And why is Owen's mother in the house? And who is the youngling? More importantly, why didn't Owen respond?

"This is wrong". My brain grappled for any sort of sense. It was then I realized I didn't just feel exposed, I felt uncharacteristically naked.

I gasped and smacked a hand to my chest, THE CHAIN!

I had a growing suspicion, but refused to allow myself to even think about it without further proof.

"Oh—no-no-no-no-NO"! I flew towards the house, that seemed too bare without its creeping vines, before I landed on sill outside Owen's window. Maybe it started raining, and a rain drop knocked me out? Yeah, maybe I'm dreaming. From the bottom corner of the window, I looked inside and then ducked behind the frame when I saw the youngling inside playing on the ground. I peeked over the frame again, being sure to keep hidden from the eyes of the youngling.

He looked to be around Darren's age, brown unruly hair, and dark chocolate eyes. I sighed; my eyes wide with disheartened recognition. This may have been Earth, but it wasn't my earth.

I spun around to hide myself again as I groaned, leaning against the windows frame, purposefully banging the back of my head against it. I had recognized his mother from the photo he kept on his nightstand, and my frantic suspicion was solidified when I recognized this young boy's eyes.

It was Owen. Somehow, I had been transported through time without knowledge of how to get back. Priya had warned me about this during my training. Though, I think it was safe to assume that she wouldn't have thought this would occur. 


"Celestial power is vast, and can be unpredictable. It is not like your Fae magic; it's connected to your celestial and all celestials that have ever been or will be. If you don't find control, Ri, the power will consume and control you". Priya warned with a steely voice, something she was known for.

"I controlled it just fine before", I reminded her as I floated in front of her reprimanding expression. Her dark features as strong as stone. 

"You did, but you are no longer just a channel. You need to start pushing yourself! If we don't understand what gift's your celestial grants you, you could find yourself in a precarious position without control and end up making the situation worse".

"I am pushing myself, Priya"!

"You are not",  she stated. "I felt the connection you made with us that day, and I am telling you: YOU ARE NOT THERE"!

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