Chapter 27: Coming Clean

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"Ri, you just need to go tell them... it's been over 2 months", Owen said behind me as I sat atop his dresser. My back was turned to him as I refolded some of my Fae sized clothes into a neat pile.

"I know I do Owen! But it's only been about 2 weeks there if that, and maybe they'd understand but UGH"!

"I know you're scared sweetheart, but pushing it off even more won't do either of us any good. Remember what Fae think about Humans, and try  to understand. I want to be as respectful to them as possible".

I glanced over my shoulder at him with an impressed glower,  "Don't call me sweetheart". 

He laughed softly before he commented teasingly. "What do you want me to call you? Stubborn"?

Though my spot upon 'dresser' cut off the view of him below his shoulders, I looked him up and down before turning back to my clothes, "Preferably".

"Ri. Really. I need you to do this. If we are going to be together for hundreds of years, I'd really like to start off on the right foot".

My shoulders slumped, For the love of fae, does he always have to be sound of mind?   I stood up and crossed my arms looking down at the pile of clothes I had nervously rearranged about 20 times. I turned around to see his big brown eyes imploring me with tender patience.

"FINE", I threw my hands in the air unable to fight his stare. "I'll go tonight". His smile grew slowly as his eyes brightened with gratitude.

But before he could say anything, I spoke up again, "But remember, if I end up staying there, even two days, it will be almost two weeks here".

He took a step back with a proud grin. "Well, I guess it's a good thing I will now be living another hundred years, right"?

"O-ho, aren't you just so clever", I shook my head with a grin. He gave me a sympathetic smile before he walked up to the dresser, and leaned against it holding out his finger, curling it a few times in invitation. I rolled my eyes as I walked up to his finger placing a hand on top of it.

"Thank you." He said with a pleased expression. "Am I good to head to the bar now"?

"Yes", I said with a low intonation. "I'll be with Shae and Meeks today, and I'll have her drop me off in Avalon before she heads back home". His eyes looked away from mine as he carefully watched his hand shift and fall around me, tenderly running the pad of his thumb across the side of my face.

"Love you", he said with a thankful sigh, his eyes settling on mine.

"Okay, okay", I shoo'd his hand away. "Love you too", I smirked lovingly as I crossed my arms, and watched him chuckle before leaving the room.

Fae help me, I thought as I watched him exit, I love him way too much for my own good.

I brushed off the skirt of my dress and conjured my wings, taking off toward Shae.

"I missed you too", I giggled as I landed inside my apartment, that now seemed so small. I started to clean up my old space and put some items away that I had left out. The moss provided a wonderful carpeting, and I decided to leave it as I reorganized some of my things. As I did, Shae told me she got a message from my brother, telling me he missed me, and that my father was growing on him already. After another hour of talking...

"What do you mean, when am I going to tell them"? I said and paused my cleaning.

Shae creaked.

"Oh for the love of Fae, have you and Owen been talking"?

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