Chapter 10: Grounded

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The next morning, I woke up with a stretch, and before I could turn over to tell my tree good morning, I realized I wasn't at home. I sat up slowly on my makeshift cloth bed and looked around Owens room. For the first time, his room seemed... too big.

The light from Owens window told me it had to be late morning, which would explain why Owen wasn't there. I reached over the side of my makeshift bed, I grabbed the spirit elixir from my pack. I took two sips before plugging it and putting it back in my pack, and then taking out my canteen for a sip of water.

I sat there on the bed, still half covered, looking down at my canteen. What would I do if I didn't get my wings back? Would I have to live with Owen forever? How could I even ask that of him? I knew that some Fae who exhausted their magic weren't able to get it all back. And the thought of losing my new sense of freedom frustrated me. 

"AWGH"! I groaned plopping back on the bed and covered myself with my blanket, then kicked my canteen off the bed.

"AWGHAHFH- AHH-RRGAGWH"! I thrashed around my cloth bed, and when I stopped, I could feel that one leg was completely exposed and the other, partially, though thankfully my face was still covered. Suddenly, I heard a breathy chuckling, followed by the thudding of human footsteps growing louder before the sound ceased altogether. Owen.

"That good huh"? He chuckled out.

"Sensational", I said holding up a finger before plopping it back on the bed, the blanket still covering my face only barely muffled my words. I heard fabric ruffling, and figured Owen sat down on his bed next to me.

"Do you want to talk about it"? He pried gently.

"Never again", I retorted monotonously.

I could hear him laugh to himself, when I felt a heavy pressure on my thigh before my blanket lifted from my body. I laid still but turned my head to the large brown eyes that always seemed so concerned with me.

"Aren't you supposed to be working, or something? You don't have any plans"? My intonation stayed even and low.


I peered at him, "You canceled to babysit me didn't you".

He bobbed his head back and forth, "I pushed some errands out for work, but as far as plans go... I was hoping I could take you somewhere".

I turned my head back towards the ceiling in mock contemplation, "Mm, No", I said and turned back to him.

He laughed harder, "What do you mean, 'No' ? Normally you beg me to take you places".

I just stared at him and blinked slowly a few times. The kindness in his eyes pulled at my heart and the thought of somewhere new made my stomach flip; but, I remained stoic. I was so upset with myself; as if losing my magic and wings wasn't pitiful and demeaning enough, I had to go and have a breakdown in front of a human.

"Come with me... please", he pleaded gently.

I peered at him again, "You think you can win me over just by fluttering those big brown eyes, and say please and I'll just do whatever you want"?

He rolled his eyes, and when his gazed returned to mine his expression showed his indignation. His jaw tensed as he breathed harshly. "Ri, either you come willingly, or I will force you to come with me".

My eyes grew angry, and I glared at him, "You wouldn't dare".

His lips tensed and the storm in his eyes matched the fire in my own. I flinched as he reached forward and pinched my ankle between his thumb and index finger and began to drag me off my bed, "want to test me"?

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