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Dahlia crawled out of the tangled sheets and headed towards the bathroom. Dark bags formed under her eyes as she quickly splashed water on her face. Her mind flashed back to the events last night. She hoped her face wouldn't turn red. Peeking through the door, she saw him still fast asleep. Turning on the warm shower, she took a step inside. The water slipped down her figure easily soothing her from the pain of last night. He went too hard.

Wrapping the towel tightly while drying her hair, she hustled out of the shower and to see her lovely boyfriend sitting up while checking his phone. "See you've woken up" she announced and he whipped his head. A sly smirk played on his lips and his eyes roamed over her body. Dahlia rolled her eyes and walked out yelling behind her "I swear one more look and I'll kill you Holland!"

He simply giggled in response.

Once the two were finally up, they sat across each other. Tom who was eating also spent time on his phone to reply to a few important emails. Dahlia did the same too. Tom glanced up only to stare at the girl in front of her. Dahlia who picked up on his presence cleared her throat loud enough for him to get a hint.

"Tom let's go on a date" she announced out of the blue. He stopped for a brief moment but a phone call interrupted his response. Apologetically, he excused himself out of the room while an annoyed Dahlia groaned. Him and his work. These days he was working way too much and she barely understood why.

"Sorry babe. Real sorry" he hugged her snuggling his face into her neck. "Stop stop it's ticklish! I don't mind! Yah!!" Dahlia kept giggling and eventually he pulled away. His hands cupped her chubby cheeks and his eyes stared into hers. Not with hunger. With pure affection. His thumb gently pressed her chin, pulling it closer till there was only an inch left. He saw her waiting with closed eyes. Smiling his lips touched her temple leaving a quick kiss. "Date you were saying?"


"Ready milady?" Tom extended his hand with a slight bow. A giggly Dahlia accepted.

Dahlia stopped suddenly and gripped his hand. He stared at her but she held her chest.


She fainted on his arms.

She fainted on his arms

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