"I haven't seen you in ages" he said squeezing the smaller girl. It had only been a week since she was last in here.

"I was busy" she said.

"Busy with that Ravenclaw?" A female voice said. Walburga appeared and an annoyed feelings washed over her.

"Tom told us all about your little Ravenclaw friend" she said with a smile.

"Don't call him that" Marcelline said staring into the girls eyes. How dare she call him by his name. Her pathetic mouth forming a name so powerful it could bring her brain damaging nightmares.

"Tom doesn't seem to mind" she smiled and Marcelline bit her tongue. "In fact he quite liked it when I said it in his be-" she could not finish her sentence cause Marcelline just walked away from her, shoving her back with her shoulder along the way.

Did they have sex?

"Where is Tom?" She said looking around but not seeing him there.

"Our lord is in his room awaiting your arrival." Abraxas said not meeting her eye. God he was annoying.

"Tell Tom I said hi!" Walburga said with a smirk but Marcelline only flipped her off and walked upstairs to his room.

She quietly knocked on the door and walked in. Tom was reading a book in his bed when she walked in. His face lit up and she felt weak in her knees.

"Sit" he said moving over on his bed. It was neatly made and every little step she took her nostrils were filled with his Eroma. She felt intoxicated.

In a pair of Black pants and a green sweatshirt he looked like a god. He glowed with every move and his voice sounded angelic. This is why she had been avoiding him. He had this affect on her. She didn't know what it was or if it was some sort of charm but she didn't like it.

"I have a suggestion that I want you to take into consideration" he said as she sat next to him. She watched the way his hands moved with such softness. How those hands could look so good with murder under their skin.

"I want to teach you dark magic" he said and she stared at him.

"Not the kind we know now but a kind much more powerful" he said and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I have found a couple books on such matter but I have to warn you. In doing so you may end up hurt. It is not an easy thing to learn. I have read about people dying, suffering an endless amount of pain for the rest of their awful lives." He said.

"Can I take your shirt off" he said and she stared at him in complete shock.


"Can I take your shirt off?" He asked again like it was nothing. She only nodded slowly as his eyes stared into hers. She turned around so her back faced him and slowly slid off her top. She now sat there in only her bra and pants with her bare back facing him. She could feel his dark eyes wander all over her scar littered back.

"You said your father used a knife for these wounds. A magic infused one right?" He said lightly tracing a finger along each one. A shiver ran down her exposed back.


He was silent for a minute. She felt cold. She felt exposed. Embarrassed.

"I believe that because he used a dark magic infused knife, that your blood has scattered fragments of the magic in it. I believe that is why you are such a powerful legilimens and that you can become even more powerful" he said. She could feel his breath on her back.

"You could help us win this war. You could have the world at your hands." He said tracing a circle along her back. She shuttered.

"Do you want that?" He whispered in her ear. His voice was deep and seductive. It made her go blank in her mind. All she knew then was him. His voice. His touch. His scent. Him.

"Yes" she whispered back.

"Turn around" he demanded and she did just that.

There she was. In all her beauty. Scars or not Tom thought this was the most beautiful he had ever laid his eyes on. His finger went under her chin and lifted her head up so he can see all of her.

"Would you do that for me?" He asked getting so close to her face they could hear each other's small hitched breaths.

"I would do anything for you, my lord" she answered back and that did it for him. He smashed their lips together in a tangle of mixed emotions and devotion to one another.

She gasped as he collided with her. Her senses heightened and her mind filled with thousands of butterflies. She then knew why she was so incapable around him. Why she was so weak.

Marcelline was in love with Tom riddle.

She loved the man that saved her from her hell.

She loved the man that could never love her back.

Fate •T.Riddle• BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now