I saw tears in her eyes.

I cupped her face and wiped her tears from thumb.

"I am in love with you Adhya shakti. I am so much in love with you". I replied.

This time she hugged me tightly. And cried her heart out.

"Don't cry Aashi"..i run my hand on her back.

"I... My parents".. she was trying to make a proper sentence ..

"Shh.. calm down. I know everything. You are proud daughter of our Elite officers like Mr. Rajveer Singh and madam Singh. Their sacrifice will not go in vain. I am so proud of you my love. So proud."
I kissed her forehead.

"You are the most beautiful and most strongest girl i ever have seen in my life. You took the responsibility of your parents incomplete mission. Do you know how courageous you are?. My respect for you has grown thousand folds. I am so fortunate to have you as my wife". I kissed her again on her knuckles.

"My father! Did .. s...sir tell you anything about him." She asked me while resting her head in my chest.

"No. We still searching..". I run my fingers in her hairs.

"Do you know this hotel chain vibes and vicinity belongs to your father." I asked her.

She straighten her back and looked at me in amazement.

"Yaa.. i have replaced your father in company position and we will complete your parents incomplete mission together. Ok.". i told her.

"I trust you". She said and hugged me again.

"I love you Aashi.. i want to live my life with you". I hugged her back.

"I love you too".. she said softly.

"What! "

I detached her from myself.

I tried to look into her eyes but she hung her head down.

"What did you say"? I asked her again.

"I ..l..l..love you too".. she mumbled.

"Really"! I asked her.

She nodded positively with a shy smile.

I lifted her chin. She wasn't looking into my eyes.

"Look at me Aashi!" I asked her softly.

She curled her beautiful eyes up..

We stare each other for a while. Then she hugged me shyly. I hugged her back.

"Do you know i love you more when you act all shy"! I tightened my hug.

"Come with me." I held her wrist and we walk towards balcony.
It was a full moon night. We settled ourselves on the swing. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"Aashi .. Tell me something about yourself". I asked.

"Umm.. i am single child of my parents. They raised me like a princess. I was a protected child."

She paused. "I used to think my parents run some business . On my 16th birthday , we recieved a news of a plane crash in which my mother was returning. We were shattered. My father couldn't take this news. We shifted to new city. After an year he sent me to London for further studies. I didn't ask and agreed whatever he said. I don't want to hurt him. I Know he was suffering alone without my mother".

She stood up all of a sudden.

"I come in a minute". Then she left the balcony.
I nodded.
I was in my thoughts when she return. She hand over me a letter.

"What's this"? I asked.

"This is my father's letter. Sarin sir gave me when i reached india". She replied

I read the letter.

"So you got to know your parents were agents, recently."

She nodded.

"That's why i took this Mission. It's their last wish. I know i am not good and qualified like other officers but trust me I gave my 100%." She replied.

"I misunderstood you Aashi i am sorry".. i said.

"It's ok .. you too didn't know about it." She replied..

She rested her head on my shoulder again.

"Do you think we will able to find any clue about my father"? She asked

"We will Adhya. Don't worry." I lightly kissed her hairs.
We remained like this for a while.


She didn't reply
I saw she slept on my shoulder. I caged her body in my embrace.. and gently placed her on my lap. She inadvertently tightened her hold on me. I think it's affect of medicines that why she is fast asleep. I lifted her and lead my way to the bedroom. I placed her in the bed.

I took my place near to her. I switched off the lights. The moonlight peeping through the window. I kept on staring my beautiful princess under the natural light. She is my sanity.

"I will never let you go anywhere Aashi.. i promise you ".. i kissed her forehead and slept holding her in my embrace.

They are together now🥺🥺.wow ..

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