Part 16/ Halos

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"We finally have someone worthy to fight you. Get healed quick. " Master said, locking the door behind him as he left.

A few minutes later, a random guard instead of  Kuroguri came in, and chain him to the wall. Then he was left alone in his cell.

'This is strange.'
He thought to himself. Usually by now, Kuroguri had come in to patch him up, but it had been a while, and he still wasn't there.

Halfie guessed that it might have been because of the intruder, and try to put it out of his mind. Which was easy, because after fighting, he always got really worn out. And before he knew it, he was falling asleep. His wound still bleeding onto the ground.

Despite Master telling him to get healed quickly, Kuroguri never showed up at night, and the next morning, the axe wound in his thigh was red, inflamed, full of sand, and definitely infected.


"I don't care what you promised, you can't let him fight like this. He is sick, and will get hurt. Might even die."

Kirishima woke up to the sound of people talking outside of his cell. He could make out two voices, Kuroguri, and Master.


"You are aware of the fact that you told me not to leave the new prisoner's side in case he tried anything funny, right? That implies not leaving to take care of the dam halfie!" Kuroguri yelled back, not quite as loud as Master.

A few seconds later, the door to Halfie's cell flew open. Kuroguri stormed inside, with Master close behind, and quickly transported him to the arena, not even bothering to remove the restraints.

As soon as he was forced into a standing position by the smoke, he knew something was wrong. His leg felt wobbly, and burned with pain. Where he had been cut the day before, felt like there was acid eating away on the inside. That was definitely not normal. He had been cut many times in battle, but none had hurt like this. Poison maybe?

Before the smoke cleared, he shifted into his half form. Trying to see if that would reduce the pain. It did, to some degree. But it's still hurt like a bitch. He put on his signature murder smile, and got ready to attack whoever was in front of him.

The smoke finally cleared enough for him to see, and in front of him stood a man with blonde hair, and angry red eyes. He was not wearing a shirt, just a cape around his shoulders. He held no weapon, but looked ready to fight god.

It had been a while since he had fought hand combat, so he launched himself at the other man before he could attack first.

(From now on, I will be using their names to make it easier to understand.)

Bakugou easily dodged his first attack, so Halfie landed in the dust, easily spinning around on his heel. He then tried to knock the blonde off his feet using his tail, but Bakugou grabbed it, and jerked him backwards. Trying to get him to lose balance, but it didn't work well.

Halfie had great flexibility, and twisted around almost 180 degrees, to slash at Bakugou with his claws. But then something unexpected happened. The blonde held his hand up to Halfie's face, and it exploded.

Halfie took a surprised step backward, as blood ran down his temple. What had just happened? Was this guy a sorcerer? He had heard of them, but never fought a sorcerer before. But it doesn't matter what this guy was, Halfie needed to be careful of his hands.

Bakugou jumped forward, and sent an explosion right to Halfie's face, but Halfie reacted just in time, as he hardened and crossed his arms in front of his face.

Giving Halfie no time to retaliate, Bakugo tried to sweep his legs out from under him, but Halfie was already crouched low to the ground, to keep from getting hit by yet a third explosion, letting bakugo ram his foot into the infected cut along his leg.

Halfie dropped to down to one knee, cringe in pain. But he didn't let Bakugo get the best of him that easily. He used his wing to hit Bakugou in the back of the head, causing his neck to pop uncomfortably, but unfortunately not hard enough to knock him out, like he thought it would.

While Bakugou was disoriented, Halfie used his low position, to harden his body, and tackle Bakugo backwards, into the sand.

The spectators cheered.

Halfie had Bakugo pinned to the ground. Bakugo was struggling to get up, and failing miserably. It appeared to everyone that the fight was about to be over when halfie would rip out his neck.

Suddenly, Halfie heard a loud snap, and his leg erupted in pain.

" I found your weakness dumbass! Don't think I won't exploit it."Bakugo said. "You're leg has been hurt, so I'll hurt it more!"

Halfie look down at his leg, and saw that it was broken in a strange angle. He panicked. There was no way he could fight like this!

Then almost immediately after he looked down, their positions switched. Bakugo now had Halfie pinned to the ground, with his foot holding his tail down, so he wouldn't try that trick again.

"Get ready to fucking die!"
The blonde screamed at him. Raising his hand to make an explosion. But kirishima was in too much pain to concentrate and harden his skin.

Halfie closed his eyes, waiting for death, but it never came. Instead, he heard a much larger explosion than Bakugou had ever made during the fight.

He opened his eyes, and there were three people falling through the ceiling. The one in the middle had pink hair, the one to her left had black hair, and the one on her right had bright yellow hair.

"Took you fucking guys long enough!" Bakugo yelled at the people falling through the smoke.

Words: 1024

Leaf out!

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