Chapter 54🖤

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Things were going good between Chase and I for several weeks after we had that conversation. My parents are off tonight and made me spend the day with them in the living room so I wasn't able to talk to Chase all day. Finally, hours later, they told me they were heading to bed and left me alone. I did not want to act too excited so I calmly went into the kitchen, grabbed me a bag of chips and walked to my bedroom, where I quickly grabbed my lap top and sent Chase a message to come over.

I'm now standing on my front porch waiting for him to walk up, my body buzzing with excitement. My birthday is in a few days and our relationship will no longer have to be kept as a secret. I will be eighteen and my parents will not be able to tell me what to do anymore.

I will be an adult.

Suddenly I feel hands wrapping around me and something warm and soft being pressed into the back of my neck and the scent of my boyfriend washes over me.

"Baby." I whispered softly, turning my body around in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and smiled up at him.

"I missed you today, Raven." He groans before smashing lips hard down on mine, pulling my body harder into his.
"I love you so fucking much, baby."

"I missed you too, Chase." I murmured against his lips after he pulled his away from mine.

"I can't wait till your birthday. I asked my parents. They said you could come live with us after you turn eighteen." He said, a big smile growing on his face.

"I'm nervous to tell my parents Chase. They are going to get so upset." I whispered, out.

"Why do you even fucking care, Raven? Don't you love me? Don't you want to be with me?" He snarled, digging his hands into my waist, pain shoots through my hips from his hard grip.

"They are my parents, Chase. Of course I'm worried about what they are going to say and think." I cried out, jerking my body out of his tight hold as his fingers started to dig deeper into my skin.

"I can't believe you! I thought you fucking loved me!" He growled out, his hands fisting at his sides staring down hard at me.

Did he take his medicine?

"Chase? You are still taking your medicine, right?" I asked him softly, my eyes scanning over his face waiting for him to answer.

"The last game is tomorrow night, Raven!  Of course I did not take that shit! I need to be able to fucking play good, not be half asleep on the field." He snarled, spit flying out of his mouth, his face turning red.

I stare at him for several minutes, watching the anger coursing through him and it hits me like a brick. This will be my life. He is never going to fully stay on his medicine, it does not matter what he says. He won't take it right in college because he will be playing football, he won't take it correctly once he takes over his father's business he won't want to be feeling like the medicine makes him feel not when he will have to make sure the business is ran correctly.

Is that how I really want to spend my life? With a man that will never fully be on the medication he needs to treat me, right? How many more times will he hurt me? How many more times will he put a hand on me out of angry because he can not control his emotions?

I can't live like this.

I love him so much, but I can not handle being with him. I can't let this be my life. My parents will never be okay with us being together, my friends will never be okay and I won't be okay either.

I can't do this anymore.

God. This is killing me.

"Chase. We are done. Okay?  I can't do this with you anymore. You tell me you will never get off your medicine but you do and this is how you act. You are never going to change. I love you but I can't do this anymore. We are over." I whispered softly, my body threatening to fall over with each word I say as my feelings and emotions are being washed from my body.

"What Raven? Is your parents listening? Are they making you say this?" He asked, confused while staring down at me before swinging his eyes backwards to the front door.

"No, Chase. They are not listening. I'm telling you this because I want to. I can't do this with you anymore. I have tried over and over again to help you but you just tell me one thing and do the other. I'm done. You need to leave Chase. We are over. For real this time. Don't message me. Don't call me. I need to be able to let you go. Just go and leave me alone." I cried, feeling my tears starting to fall down my cheeks, my heart breaking with each word that comes out of my mouth.

"We are not over Raven. Our love can never be over. I can't live without you and I won't. I won't let anyone including you keep us apart!" He snarled, raising his hand up but before he could hit me I growl at him.

"Go before I scream, and have my parents running down here. You better fucking go if you don't want to go to jail Chase. I'm done. Leave me the fuck alone!" I snarled out, raising my hands shoving him out of my way and practicing through myself through my door, slamming it loudly behind me.

Leaning against the door I close my eyes tightly, feeling my legs start to give out, I slowly let my body fall to the floor.

"I'm proud of you, baby." My dad's rough voice crashes over me, making my eyes snap open wide as I see that he caught me outside with Chase.

"Dad, I swear it's over-" I started to explain, fear climbs through my throat at him catching me and I hope he believed me.

"I heard. I went to your room to check on you and seen you were not there. I heard you and Chase arguing. I wanted to storm outside, I wanted to drag you back inside and call the cops but I stopped when I heard you sticking up for yourself. I'm not happy that you lied to us but I am happy that you finally decided that you deserved better." He says softly, bending his body down to sit next to me against the door, pulling me against his body.

"I'm sorry, daddy." I cried, laying my head on his shoulder, letting all the pain I was feeling from ending it with Chase for real this time fall out of me.

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