Chapter 3🖤

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Kim parks the car in one of the parking spots in front of the school, kinda in the back so we don't part anywhere near the popular kid's vehicles. We stay low on the radar and we like it just like that, we never get into any drama with anyone this way.

"Oh look. Chase is parked right by the school walkway" sings Sarah nudging me with her shoulder and Kim joins in making kisses noises.

"Yall are so childish stop it already" I scold playfully but I feel my cheeks flush, they don't comment on how I already saw where Chase was parked.

I saw his big black four-wheel-drive truck parked right in the front as soon as we turned into the parking lot.

It's like my eyes are obsessed with this boy.

They are laughing at me while we all climb out of the car, we have a few minutes before the bell rings so we sling our book sacks on Kim's hood and just hang by the car for a bit.

Chase and his best friends, Mark and Brad are sitting in the back of his truck on tip of the tailgate while girls are flocked around them like flies on fresh shit.

Okay, that may be my jealousy talking here don't mind me.

Rolling my eyes at myself I turn my body away from facing Chase and get into the conversation my best friends are having.

"Chases party will be so much fun! EVERYONE goes." Gushes Kim. She is our party girl but we love her.

Numerous times I and Sarah have had to practically carry her out of a party we went to but she is always a fun drunk so we don't mind. She keeps us entertained the whole night and tells us how much she loves having us as her best friends.

"I know, we need to make sure we are dressed hot. I want all the boys to be looking at us three tonight. Fuck those cheerleaders" Sarah grunts while glaring at Macy.

Macy is the school's head cheerleader and the IT girl around here. Her pose follows her every command and it's annoying as fuck. She doesn't bother us too much but when she does it's usually not to go out of her way to play nice.

Nah it's to say something rude about one of us which makes the other 2 get in a bad mood. She knows better than to mess with us too much though. My besties and I always stick together, if one hits we all hit. That's how we are and how we have always been.

Tight like Macy's t-shirt that's for sure.

I can feel Chase's eyes on me burning into the back of my head which makes me turn around slowly until our eyes connect from across the parking area.

His friends are talking to him and he's just nodding his head but he's not talking back to them, he keeps his eyes on me and I feel my body beginning to get hot.

"Earth to RAVEN" Kim calls out and I then notice her hand waving in front of my face breaking my trance from Chase.

"Huh, what?" I ask out in a stutter turning my attention back on my friends.

"What was that?" Sarah whispers while looking between Chase and me I.

Turning my seat slightly to see if he was still looking and my heart drops when I realize he's still staring.

"His staring so hard at you right now girl" Kim whispers from my other side.

"Oh my God. I think he likes you, Raven! Raven and Chase sitting in a tree-" I don't let her finish I quickly cover her mouth with my hand.

"Hush. They going to hear your silly ass" I scold her giving her mean eyes telling her not to embarrass me like that.

"Oh please. He looks like he wants to kiss you. I mean look, he knows we are all looking and he doesn't give a shit, he's not taking his eyes off you Raven" I turn my head back to Chase again thinking they are full of shit but he is still staring at me.

His eyes are burning into my own as our eyes connect again and he doesn't seem to want to break that connection until his friend Mark slaps him over the shoulder causing a snarl to form on Chase's lips and Marks' hand raising in surrender.

"Damn. Mark ruined the moment" grumbles Kim. "Asshat"

"Right. Damnit I was practically channeling for Chase to come over to talk with Raven before he messed it up" murmurs Sarah.

I keep my eyes on chase for a few more seconds to see if he will look my way again but he doesn't. His fully into the conversation he and his friends are having now and does not pay any more attention to me.

I have had a crush on this boy for years, he never really gave me so much of a glance before today and I won't lie and say I was basking under his attention because I was for sure but that moment is gone now and it may never happen again.

"Come on let's just get to class," Kim says and links her around through Sarah and mines.

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