Chapter 45🖤

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Over the next couple of days my parents forced me to stay in the hospital under observation, they both used their positions in the hospital to make it happen and Doctor Robert agreed to keep me.

My parents visit me, sitting with me as much as they can and honestly they started to stress me out so I practically begged them to get back to work so I could get some peace, finally after hours of disagreements coming from my mom and dad they gave up and agreed to give me some alone time.

I got tired of my dad lecturing me about drinking and driving, along with telling me when I got released from the hospital, I was grounded for a month. That's fair. I did not argue with him because I know dang well that I deserve that and probably a little bit more with all the lying I have been doing.

Kim and Sarah came over to bring me my homework, I asked them too, so that I would not fall behind on my studies. My grades have been slacking lately, I am ashamed to say, my mind just has not been on my school work as much as it once was since I got with Chase.

Kim has not said much, just keeps giving me looks, letting me know that she is not happy about this situation and about me using our friendship against her to keep her quiet. I was actually afraid that she would tell Sarah but once I realized Sarah was completely oblivious to the situation going on around here, I knew Kim had kept her mouth shut but it wasn't because she wanted to. I forced her hand. I did not want my parents to have Chase thrown into jail, not because of something he can't actually help.

Maybe I am wrong, maybe I'm being stupid but that's how I feel. It is what it is right now.

Chase has not been back to see him but he was blowing up my phone, when I was admitted into the hospital the other night, I noticed my purse and asked my mom and dad to bring me my charger because I was going insane with boredom. As soon as I turned my phone on, the messages from Chase came flowing in back to back for several minutes.

Chase-I'm sorry Raven. Please forgive me. I don't mean to hurt you.

Chase- Baby please talk to me. It killed me when I watched you fall.

Chase- Raven don't let your friend keep you away from me.

Chase- Raven.. Please. Nobody loves you like I do. I will love you till the day I die please. I been taking my medicine baby. Everyday. I'm feeling so much better. I don't have those thoughts anymore. I can't stand what I did to you Raven.. Please. I swear I will never stop taking them. I need you to stay with me. Don't leave me. I can't live without you.

I read all his messages, sighed loudly, laying my head down on my pillow. I don't know what I want to do with Chase yet. I love him, I really do, but the way he has been treating me is not okay. I was trying to help him because I know it's not really his fault but on the other hand on some level I know I should not be allowing him to keep on hurting me.

My phone dings in my head, slowly raising my hurt head, having to squint my eyes as I read the new message he sent me.

Chase- I know you seen my messages. It showed seen. Please talk to me Raven. I been taking my medicine baby. It's killing me not to be able to see you while you're in the hospital. Your friend should understand that we love each other and should not be sticking herself in our relationship. It's none of her business.

I read his message but I don't reply, I just pull my blanket up, feeling a cold chill flow through my bones.

Chase-I'm seeing a therapist now, Raven. I can't lose you. I'm getting help now, please. Talk to me.

He is seeing a therapist?

That's so good. I'm so happy that he is finally getting the help that he needs but still hesitate to text him back, not ready to forgive him for everything he has put me through.

Chase- You must love me Raven. If you wouldn't, you would have already told your parents. My therapist said it was good that I had you to motivate me to keep taking my medicine baby. She said I am getting better and it's all thanks to you. Don't leave me. Please. I'm getting better, I promise. I'm doing this for you.

Him going see a therapist is a really good step, maybe now he will finally stay on his medicine and he won't have so many angry emotions running through him.

Chase- We had a game last night. I did not play good baby. All I could think about was us and about how badly I have been treating you. Please. I know you don't deserve what I did and I know I don't deserve for you to take me but I'm sorry. I promise I will never hurt you again, baby. My medicine is working and my therapy is helping me.

Closing my eyes tightly, my throat starting to close up as emotions come pouring out of me. My eyes start to water and I try to keep my self from crying in case someone comes into my room and notices. I don't want to have to answer any more questions.

Not right now.

Not when my head is so full of questions and concerns about Chase and I, about Kim being upset with me.

Raising my phone up in my shaking hands I read all his messages over and over for a few minutes, reading the parts that says he is taking his medicine and seeking help for his problem. It means so much to me that I helped him realize that he needed help.

Me- I'm happy that you went talk to someone Chase I really am. I did not tell my parents because your right, you do not deserve to go to jail for something that is not your fault.

Is that good enough?

Before I can second guess myself I press send, waiting a few seconds to see if I see the three dots on my screen letting me know he is typing back.

Chase- Just answer one question for me Raven. Please?

Me- What?

What else would he have to ask me? What is left right now? I'm happy that he is seeking help and I love him, but the real question is will he keep on doing it when or if I take him back?

Chase- Do you still love me?

What do I even say to this? Should I lie? Would he even believe me if I did? Should I lie knowing if I say no he could possibly set him back and off his medicine?

What the fuck do I do I screamed inside my head, begging my head and heart to help me out here, to guide me in the right direction.

My head is telling me to say no and to let this be the end of Chase and I.

My heart is telling me that I love him and that I should never give up on someone that I love.

Me- Yes Chase. I still love you.

I just hope this is not a mistake.

She Wouldn't Tell✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ