Chapter 50🖤

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As the chauffeur drives us home in the limousine, tears stream down my face. Kim and Sarah were meant to spend the night at my house, but after hearing everything, I just wanted to go to my room and check on Chase. I realize I'm making excuses, and I accept that not everyone understands how much I love him. Kim and Sarah don't seem to understand what I'm saying, it's because of the booze. Chase had no intention of any of this happening, and I hated that Sarah and Kim were there to witness it.

They have not dropped in since we got inside the limo, they keep asking me questions after questions and I swear I'm really just wanting to get out and walk home.

"How could you hide something like that from me?" Sarah grumbled and knelt, to remove her heels before dumping them on the floor in front of her.

"I didn't even tell Kim Chase was bipolar, Sarah! She overheard our conversation." For the second time since sitting down in here, I yelled out in an attempt to defend myself.

I did not mean to yell I really didn't, but she hasn't stopped and I'm really worried that Kim is going to tell my parents when we get back to my house.

"It's a good thing I did. You would have chosen to stay with him. Raven! I can't believe you let something like that happen to you. I can't believe you kept those marks hidden. When you kept wearing those damn pullovers, I knew something was wrong; you've always been a warm-blooded person!" She snarled and leaned forward in her seat, her gaze locked on mine.

"I'd ended my relationship with him, Kim!Before Halloween! I ended it! I wanted him to take me seriously so he would at least try harder to take his medicine." I moaned and closed my eyes, praying she would just stop for a moment.

"You should never have taken him back tonight! What were you thinking? He's a jerk who hits on you! None of it is okay!" Sarah shouted up before I could even open my mouth to ask Kim to please, just drop it.

"It's not like that, Sarah, okay? He has bipolar! It's not his fault he was born that way!" I screeched out, the movement causing my cheek to burn where Chase had slapped me. "The drink messed with his medicine."

"You sound so stupid right now, Raven! Giving us excuses as to why your boyfriend hits on you. Oh my god!" Kim laughs sarcastically, rolling her eyes to the ceiling of the limo.

"Can you stop being such a bitch right now, Kim? Yall are supposed to be my best friends! Yall are supposed to be on my side!" I cried out feeling all my emotions from the night, washing over me like ice, cold water.

"We are! We don't want you to be with someone that abuses you!" Sarah said softly, her troubled face making my heart skip a beat. She looks so worried, just like Kim, they are both so worried and I don't know how to calm them down.

"He doesn't fucking abuse me Sarah! He has bipolar!" I yelled out, tired of having to repeat myself over and over about this. I would never stay with Chase if he was just an abusive boyfriend but him having bipolar it's different. He doesn't mean to hurt me.

Why can't they understand that?

I can't believe this is happening right now. I get why they are upset I really do, but how they are acting is ridiculous. Chase and my relationship is none of their business.

"You can not tell my parents, Kim." I snarled out her, knowing that if she would tell them they would never allow me to be with him.

"Don't ask me to do that again. I'm telling them as soon as we get to your house!" Kim grunted, crossing her arms over her stomach giving me a get over it look.

"Kim. I will never forgive you if you do that." I tell her, harshly. I can't believe she is doing this to me right now. My parents will never allow me to be with Chase again, even if he is doing good on his medicine and seeing a therapist.

"Really? I'm trying to look after my best friend and that's how she wants to repay me?" Kim asked, hurt, flashing through her eyes.

Seeing that breaks my heart, we have never faught before, not like this and I'm so torn right now. I don't want to lose my best friends but I also do not want to lose Chase and if she tells my parents I will never be allowed around him and they may even call the damn cops.

Chase can't go to jail for something he can't help.

"That's uncalled for Raven and you know what? If Kim does not tell your parents, then I will. Rave, he can really hurt you. He could kill you. Can't you understand how we feel? We are worried about you!" Sarah cried, throwing her arms above her head.

"You really expect us to stand by and watch him hit on you? I stood down the first time because I did not want to lose you and you told me it was over. I can't and won't stand by again and watch it keep on happening! If he kills you, that will be on me! How dare you even do that to me!" Kim cries, her tears flowing freely down her cheek and she doesn't even try to hide them like she normally does. Her shoulders slumped down. "Be mad if you want. Stop being my friend. I don't care because at least you will stay alive!" She snarled out, turning away from Sarah and I, looking out the window.

My heart sinks down out of my chest as the limouse pulls to a stop, jerking my head towards the window to see that we just pulled up in front of my house.


Please Kim don't do this, I begged inside my head.

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